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he was alone and there was nothing for him..

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Q: Why does Brian start to feel hopeless in hachet?
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Why you feel hopeless when staying at home?

It is not that you feel hopeless when staying at home. You stay at home because you feel hopeless. If with hopelessness you also feel helpless, loss of energy, sad and worthless you are having Depressive disorder. The correct diagnosis and treatment by Psychiatrist makes one feel remarkably better and you get back the zest for life.

Is it normal to feel hopeless?

Yes to some extent, but what you need to do is take back your power. Do or accomplish something that you can complete. Start small with a goal you can achieve in a few days or month. Then, add a harder goal to do that will take a little longer. If you have always wanted to go to college enroll in a class or if you have wanted to learn to paint or something along that line do it. Don't let that hopeless feeling rule your life, take control. We feel hopeless when we feel we don't have control.

What does cyber bullying makes you feel?

Unsafe, unsecured, hopeless and defenceless.

How would a refugee feel like?

i think they would feel horrified and afraid because they are lonely and they are hopeless.

What to do when all fill hopeless?

im guessing "fill" is "feel". When you feel hopeless pray to God. He is always there for you waiting to talk to you, all you have to do is talk to Him. He wants to be a part of your life, a huge part of your life. When you feel hopeless, just remember that God has a plan for you, you weren't just meant to die and do nothing, there is a purpose, and that purpose is to tell people about God, that way we can be reunited with them in Heaven.

How would you describe a person who is hopeless?

A person who is hopeless may feel a deep sense of despair, lack motivation or direction, and believe that their situation cannot improve or change for the better. They may struggle to find meaning or hope in their circumstances.

What will the impact of stress be on motivation?

It will make you feel hopeless therefore you will stop trying and give up.

What should you do when you feel hopeless?

Believe in yourself is mainly the key, and try to get it off your mind and do something.

What saint is the hope of the hopeless?

Saint Jude is often referred to as the patron saint of hopeless cases and lost causes. He is recognized for interceding in desperate situations and providing hope to those who feel like they have nowhere else to turn.

What does Brian feel his most important need is?

Brian feels his most important need is Fire.

Do you ever feel like no one understands you?

Yes. If you feel like no one understands you, that's your fault! Make more sense and/or make friends. If these don't work, your hopeless.

How does Brian feel when he discovers the food supply is gone?
