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There are wrong answers because someone who thought they knew the answer to the question answered it. When you find a wrong answer, you can correct it. One way is to leave the answer and introduce your answer with "That answer is incorrect, the correct answer is...." or "Some people think that, but..." or something similar. You can also make changes within the incorrect answer itself, but I would not take the incorrect answer out completely unless it has illegal, harmful, etc. information in it.

People usually give the wrong answers because they get the wrong resources so make sure to look in different places and see if the answer is the same or not!

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11y ago
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12y ago

Anyone but new users can improve any answer, but this does make it difficult for random internet searchers to fix answers (They must sign up for an account, then answer an unanswered question to be allowed to improve answers, then go back and improve the answer). This process isn't straightforward and many people will give up before figuring out how to fix an incorrect answer.

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11y ago

Yes. Some of the answers on here can be wrong. But if you are not sure if your answer that you are putting online is right... Don't post it. Just be responsible.

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12y ago

Either trolls, or people who think they know the right answer, but do not.

I am thankfully in the category who will only answer questions that I KNOW the answer to.

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11y ago

Because anybody can write an answer on this sight. Therefor, even if somebody doesn't know an answer or just puts in a wrong answer, it still shows up.

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10y ago

Some people do their best, but are wrong. Other people don't check before answering. But most people post good answers.

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Oh, dude, if 80 percent of the questions were answered correctly, that means 20 percent were wrong. So, if 5 questions were missed, that's 20 percent of the total questions. To find out how many questions were answered correctly, you just need to calculate 80 percent of the total questions. Math, man, it's like magic but with numbers.

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We at WikiAnswers do our very best to answer questions correctly and quickly. There are new questions submitted every second, so this is a never ending process.

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Some do it because they think they know the answer. Some do it just to belittle other people without having to face them. Sometimes the person answering has simply misread the question. There are probably several other reasons. Hopefully your questions will be answered politely and correctly but there is no guarantee.

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WikiAnswers are people who answer questions that are posed on this site, and some questions could be answered wrong, however, there are enough people who check these sites for accuracy, so if a question is answered wrongly, it will be corrected in due time, or will stay until someone who is knowledgeable will answer it correctly.

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If you got four out of twenty questions wrong, you answered 16 out of 20 questions correctly. To find the percentage of questions answered correctly, you would divide 16 by 20 and then multiply by 100. This means you answered 80% of the questions correctly.

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Anyone can answer questions on WikiAnswers. So some people who answer them are knowledgeable, and some are not.