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Because they know that they're now competing with the issue of free, instant (pirate) downloads. People don't necessarily want to go buy a whole album from a store when they can download the single they want straight to their computer. Also, a lot of the more popular bands and artists are marketed to young people, who spend a lot of time online.

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Q: Why do record companies use the internet for the marketing of their product?
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Digital Marketing Jobs and The Customer's Attention Span?

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Scale up your business with our Online marketing services. At Almond Solutions, we mix our innovation and industry skill to improve your business performance & take it to new heights. We are ROI Focused Marketing service providers, we deliver transformational growth with the help of our Experts & empowers brands and organizations with technology. Visit Us At-

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Director Of Marketing?

Corporations are shifting their marketing dollars onto online campaigns. In fact, print marketing has been declining steadily for years. The trend is to market to a larger market on the web. A director of marketing is responsible for creating and implementing a marketing campaign. The director of marketing must also track the effectiveness of the campaign. Most fortune 500 companies are engaging in internet marketing. Social media has become huge in the online world. As a consequence, companies have the ability to address an audience of millions online. A director of marketing must design campaigns that will incorporate the new trends. A director of marketing must be highly experienced and have a college degree. Employers will want to see a strong track record of successful marketing, and the employer will want to know the financial impact of the marketing. The goal of marketing is to get the consumer to buy a product. The director of marketing must stay relevant to their target market. It is important to stay relevant within the market. Companies that do not do this will not survive. Furthermore, those that wish to have a career as a director of marketing must get a solid education. Internships can be a good way to get a foot in the door. It is important to build your reputation in this industry. If you can cultivate your unique selling point, job opportunities will most likely be more abundant. A director of marketing can earn a six figure salary and great bonuses. This position is a key role in every corporation. Companies place a great deal of emphasis on this key position. This job has the ability to shoot a company’s sale through the roof. Additionally, a poor manager in this role can have a negative impact on the company’s sales. In conclusion, the future in marketing will be directed towards the internet. The director of marketing will have to continue to develop new ways of reaching the customer. Competition is fierce, and each company must use their marketing dollars wisely. A successful director of marketing must be able to effectively manage a creative team. Much of marketing is creativity; thus, the director of marketing must be able to harness the creativity and keep a firm handle on the team.

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don't know. plus that's his and his record companies business

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