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Asking questions helps them investigate the past in a meaningful way. They also focus the historians research.

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Q: Why do historians ask questions to evaluate their sources?
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What questions do historians ask?

Historians usually ask questions that begin with who, what, when, why and how. they tend to base their questions around one major question.

What do historians ask?

Historians usually ask questions that begin with who, what, when, why and how. they tend to base their questions around one major question.

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How do historians solve the mysteries of the past?

They ask questions about the past in order to understand the present. They use variety of methods to help them answer questions about what happened in the past. Historians also examine proof and draw conclusions as they answer historical questions.

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Is there a site where you can ask biblical questions?

You can ask biblical questions here on, and we will do our best to answer your questions. Depending on the nature of the question, we will provide a range of answers or opinions, enabling you to consider and evaluate the state of knowledge about any aspect of the Bible.

What are historical inquiry questions?

Historical inquiry questions are questions that historians ask during the research process to investigate specific aspects of the past. These questions are designed to guide the researcher in gathering evidence, analyzing sources, and drawing conclusions about historical events and phenomena. Examples of historical inquiry questions include "What were the causes of World War I?" and "How did the Civil Rights Movement impact American society?"

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The source of Hinduism is the ability to ask questions of the universe and existance.