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Everything you save on a computer has a file name. The web page you are looking at right now is stored as a file - both on the machine that hosts it, as well as on your machine as a .temp file. If the Word document you are working on wasn't stored as a file with its own file name, you would not be able to retrieve it. If you had a power outage or accidentally turned off your computer, you would lose all of your work.

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Q: Why do Word documents have file names?
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The files created in word are called as?

.doc file or documents file

What type of file is a word 2010 documents?

that would be .doc I believe

What does clicking the pushpin next to each file name on the Recent Documents list do?

Clicking the pushpin nest to file names in Microsoft Office in the recent documents list moves the selected item to the top of the list. This enable easier access to pinned documents, especially if the list is long.

Where are documents created in Microsoft word?

While being edited (before it's intentionally saved) Word documents are stored in the system's random access memory (RAM). Once the file is "saved" (*file, save as*), it is stored in the selected memory device. Saving a file to My Documents, for example, would save to the hard drive, solid state drive, jump drive, etc: the actual hardware where "My Documents" is located.

How do you write a sentence using the word file?

please file these documents alphabetically. I need to file my toenails so they will stop snagging my socks. double click the file named lolcat.jpg.

Where is file in Microsoft Word 2000?

Look in your Documents file or in the Task Launcher history. If you know the name of the file you can do a search for it, just click on search, then type in the name of the document.

How do you put word documents in a nook?

It appears you have to save the file in a PDF format, or one of the other supported file types. When you save the file 'as' change the ending from .doc, to one of the supported file types.

How did people used to store documents?

Prior to the advent of scanners, documents were stored in file folders, file cabinets, file centers, and departments.

How do you recover a word document if you didn't save it?

Fix corrupted word file you may with the aid of next programming method utility restore word documents starting MS Word 95 file format

File extension doc means?

the Microsoft word files are called document

What is the default file format for Microsoft word?

.docx is the default file format for documents from Word 2007 onward.