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We can't say why a question does not get answered, maybe the right person hasn't read it yet. As far as feedback, you receive feedback on questions "you" answer for someone else, that's how you receive trust points.

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Q: Why did your last question go unanswered and you received no feedback one way or another?
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What is a sentence using question?

This is another question that remains unanswered. Please restate your question.

Why is it that any question about dissipitation of court fines in one form or another goes unanswered on this sight?

You tell me.

You have received your transcript and there are blanks to answer questions but you still do not know the answer to provide them with the answer?

You don't need to try to answer a question that you don't know the answer to. Move onto another question. There are thousands of unanswered questions, pick a category you are familiar with and answer any that you know. Don't worry about the other questions.

What is another name for feedback?


Why people quarrel?

because their mainly jealous or just dislike the person they are not fond of the person it is true belive you mee.

Is there a random unanswered question link?

Yes, there is a "Random question" link, in the blue side bar navigation panel (in the section called "Site tools").Another optionClick on the link in the Related Links section.

Who is Thalia grace?

That is currently unanswered as they might not be making another movie.

What is the primary unanswered questions about the origin of the universe?

One primary unanswered question about the origin of the universe is what caused the Big Bang. Another question is what existed before the Big Bang and what, if anything, lies beyond the observable universe. Additionally, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, which make up most of the universe's mass-energy content, remains a mystery.

What can happen with a question on WikiAnswers?

A question may receive an answer, which may or may not be helpful. It may also remain unanswered if it is unclear, ambiguous, or refers to an area with little factual basis for research. If it is judged to be identical to another question, or nearly so, it may be merged to another question (answered or unanswered).If your question is not answered, or if the answer is not helpful, you may ask another, more specific version. Do not, however, ask what is essentially the same question repeatedly. This increases the number of unanswered or poorly answered questions.If you believe an answer to a question is incorrect, any user can amend or edit the answer, and any supervisor can remove incorrect or unhelpful answers.If a question is protected, you can ask any supervisor to re-open it, or you may add to the discussion page.If a question is removed (categorized to a catch-all), you may ask for its reinstatement if you believe that it is a valid statement. Questions that are removed are mainly those that are offensive, or copied from educational testing sites, or have a multiple choice answer, or that make a statement rather than asking a question.

How do you find unanswered questions on here?

Scroll down the page until you see "Unanswered questions". It's on the right side at the bottom of the page.You can do the same on another page, for example the Science page has "Unanswered questions" at the bottom, for science questions only.

There is no unanswered question?

Sure there is: What is wrong to drop the atomic bomb? That one is still going around after 65 years and will continue until another bomb is blasted over a place in the world.

Who is playing Thalia Grace?

That is currently unanswered as they might not be making another movie.