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There are a number of reasons why Habbo Hotel may not work for you.

The Hotel May Be Full - Wait a few minutes then try to enter again.

You Might Be Banned - If you see a message popping up saying you have been denied access, wait two hours, then retry. If you still can't get in after 7 days, email us using the Habbo Help Tool.

Out Of Memory - Try restarting your computer. Also, make sure you don't have too many other browser windows/programs open when you try to use Habbo Hotel.

Firewalls - If you have a firewall running on your computer or network, make sure you have specific ports opened on it, so that you may use Habbo Hotel. Also, make sure you haven't denied access to Habbo Hotel by checking which programs are blocked from accessing the internet.

Caching - Your ISP may be keeping an old copy of our site on its servers. There isn't much we can do about this, but it will usually update in a few hours.

Disconnected - You keep getting the "Disconnected! Please reload Habbo Hotel" pop up. If this happens, it means the connection between your computer and Habbo Hotel has broken. Sometimes you will still be able to speak and move about, but some parts of the Hotel (like your Navigator or Console) might not work.

Try reloading the hotel (Ctrl-R or F5). Since this problem is caused by the connection from your ISP (who you connect to the Internet through, e.g. AOL, Freeserve etc) to the Internet breaking, it may due to high Internet traffic and so just trying later might help. If you use a very popular ISP that has lots of users and gets very busy, you may get disconnected more often. It may even be worth switching to a different ISP.

Finally, if your Friends List is really, really long it might be a good idea to remove some of the people you don't talk to anymore.

Script Errors - Do you get pop ups saying "script error" or "this file is not a director file" etc.? This sometimes happens if we have added new things to the Hotel, like new bits of Furni in the Catalogue. To solve the problem, close all Internet Explorer (IE) windows. Open a new IE window. Choose 'Internet Options' in the 'Tools' menu on the top menu bar. Choose 'Temporary Internet Files' in the window that opens. Click on the button labelled 'Delete Files...'. Click on 'OK' to empty the locally cached files. Close the IE window. When you go into the Hotel next it will take a bit longer to load, but the script errors should not occur.

Black Screen - Do you click on 'Check in' and all you get is a black screen? Most likely there is a problem with your Shockwave download. The best thing to do is go to the Habbo Hotel Home Page and download it again. When the download is complete, re-install Shockwave.

Security Risk Pop Up - A scary looking pop up appears warning of a security risk. This is a normal security pop up from Shockwave. To stop it appearing again, just tick the third box and 'OK'.

You Never Connect - Do you type in your Habbo name and password and it just keeps saying "connecting" until you eventually get the "disconnected" pop up? Most likely the Hotel is full, so wait a while and try again. The Hotel gets busier after school and on the weekends. However, if you got a pop up the last time you came to the Hotel saying that you'd been refused permission, then your Habbo is banned, and that is why you can't get in. It is also possible that someone else who uses the same computer has been banned permanently and they may have got the computer banned too. If you think this is the case, please ask everyone who uses the computer what their Habbo names are. Email the Habbo names to us using the Habbo Help Tool so that we can investigate.

Out Of Memory Alert - When loading Habbo Hotel, or afterwards, you may get an alert saying "Out of memory even after purging all cast members ..". Habbo Hotel has many graphics that consume your computer memory (RAM) . The alert means that there is not enough free memory for Habbo to work. In many cases, the following actions help:

1) Close your browser and other applications (such as your word processor, spreadsheet, mp3-player). Now open your browser and try Habbo Hotel again.

2) Restart the computer. Often, when your computer has been in use for long periods, its memory gets full.

The hotel May have been on a Matanance break.

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9y ago

There can be numerous problems that affect websites. Some problems come and go. Try back on a different day or time. Some problems are more serious, but must be corrected on their end. If your computer works on other websites, it may just be an error with the one website.

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12y ago

Because Either you haven't installed Adobe Flash player Or Shockwave. Or it's disabled. Or the habbo server is down. Or Habbo ain't on trusted sites (not always needed)

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14y ago

If you cannot get in the Habbo hotel it is probaly because you dont or cant have adobe shockwave player. You can always install it fo free if you wish.

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