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If you find yourself asking this question a lot, check the reasons for the flags.

Flags can be raised for a number of reasons, including inappropriate content, plagiarism, spam advertising, the use of URLs, or bad spelling/grammar - among others.

Some posts are automatically flagged by DingoBot under certain circumstances, e.g. when you add multiple question marks or exclamation points (one at a time is all that would be appropriate), or if you put a URL in the body of the answer instead of using the "Add related links" function.

For whatever reason the post was flagged, it should eventually come to the attention of a supervisor who may make appropriate corrections and remove the flags. Try to familiarize yourself with the various sections of the Help center (be sure to read the section on dispute resolution), and try to make appropriate corrections to your contributions accordingly.

Don't be upset that your post was flagged. It does not necessarily mean that you are being accused of something. Be sure to make good use of the spell checker, avoid copying and pasting content from elsewhere, do not use profanity or unnecessary language, avoid making your answer personal, and try to make your answer relevant to the question. Most importantly, don't flame other contributors for their efforts - even you can make corrections, and you can do so without insulting the previous contributor.

Remember that the supervisors are human too - if you feel that a decision is unfair, or a flag has been raised unfairly despite all efforts to comply, try contacting a supervisor for further advice. Be polite - being rude or profane will not benefit your cause. At the very least, you can ask for clarification, and you may be enlightened by the response.

The forums are for the community, and you are a part of it - try posting your concerns there if you feel them worthy of further discussion. You can go there to ask questions, request help, report vandalism and abuse, or just pop in for a chat with anybody who's reading.

If you enjoy learning and contributing here, you will get the hang of avoiding those flags, and you will become a better contributor as a result. Try to enjoy yourself.

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Q: Why are your answers continually being flagged?
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Related questions

Where is the list of flagged questions and answers?

Finding the FlagsClick on the Related link below to see the list of flagged questions and answers.

Where in the world is the flagged questions and answers page?

On the left navigation bar. It says Flagged Questions.

How many flagged questions are on WikiAnswers?

The number of flagged questions is constantly changing. As of July 21, 2017, there are approximately 129,991 flagged questions and answers on WikiAnswers.

Why do your answers keep being removed?

Answers that are nonsense, contain personal information, inappropriate language or otherwise violate the terms of use are flagged automatically by the system and removed or edited.

Which topics have answers that need editing?

Almost every answer that is flagged needs to be edited, and flagged questions are from every topic. Find a category and go to its homepage, find "flagged questions" in its blue side-bar, and find some answers you want to edit.

Why dont you have Flag option under Question tools?

Only answers can be "Flagged", therefore non-answered questions cannot be flagged.

How does unflagging help in managing flagged answers?

If a question was flagged (for example) for gibberish, and you edit the answer to make it more sensible, it needs to be un-flaged to remove it from the list of answers that still need improving.

What does the bot UnflaggingStrength do?

UnflaggingStrength is a WikiAnswers bot that is helping to manage flagged answers.

Is DingoBot annoying when you ask a perfectly good question?

Dingobot does not flag questions, he flags answers. If your question has been flagged and there has been no answer, then a human user has flagged it.

How do you get flagged on WikiAnswers?

You, yourself as a user don't exactly get flagged on WikiAnswers. You can have your account reported by a user, though, if they click on the "Report abuse" link on your profile, your message board or even your contributions. However, your answers can get flagged by other users or by the bots on this site if they detect gibberish, websites, profanity, long answer changed, etc. Other users can flag your answers (or questions) if they feel something is missing or needs changing.

Why are some answers flagged for web addresses when those web addresses are used to support answers?

Any web address or URL located in the answer will be flagged either by a user or bot. This is because it is located in the answer and not in 'related links'. If you want to add a link to support your answer click add related links and add it.

Can a Soldier be Flagged for being underweight?

No, but the Soldier is to immediately be sent for a medical evaluation