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A question on WikiAnswers is not allowed to have more than 200 characters so that the questions remain concise, to the point, and so that the answer is more likely to be more appropriate to the question asked.

The longer the question, the more complicated and involved the answer is likely to be, and the more likely the answer is not going to be what you are looking for.

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You can only submit questions with more than 200 characters but not able to type in more than 200 characters because the answers have to be detailed.

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Can you submit more than one question?

Yes I have asked about 80 questions (In guessing)

Did any characters die in 'Harry Potter'?

Lots of characters died, see related questions for more information.

How do you add background info to these questions?

When asking a question you are always able to provide more info. Once you submit a questions look on the left hand side bar for a button/link that says "Discuss". There you can add more detail and really define what you're asking. Do not try to explain your question in the answer space as it then marks the question as answered and no one sees it.

What two main characters die in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'?

More than two main characters die. See related questions for more information.

What three characters were killed in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'?

More than three characters were killed, see related questions for a full list.

Are there more questions or answers in the world?

There is an answer for every question - the problem is that humans might not be able to find that answer for every one of their questions.

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More than likely you will not be able to.

How can observation help you build a more believable character?

The more you have observed other people, the more you are able to write characters that are realistic.

What are some simple machines projects for a science fair for grade 7?

Well maybe you can do a project on the wheel and axle. If you have any more questions you can submit more and I will try to help.Always here, yahoo@associasions(Pete)

What three characters died in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'?

There were more than three, see related questions for a full list.

Can a person submit questions to WikiAnswers in Arabic or must they be in English?

You can ask questions on this site both in English and in Arabic. However, since most of the Answerers on this site are English-speaking, you will more easily get an answer if you ask the question in English and put it in the proper category.

Why can't you find my answers?

Almost all of your questions have been answered. You should be aware that answers on WikiAnswers are not provided by a highly paid staff. Anyone, including yourself, can submit answers. There is no promise or guarantee that people will choose to answer your questions. People from all over the world log in and submit/answer questions just for the enjoyment of it. Some questions are naturally more interesting and engaging for certain groups of people; other questions are not. Be patient, and in the meantime you could spend some time offering well formulated and well written answsers yourself. It's part of the fun!