because almost all people in the world are curious and some parts of it are just bugging
Generally, between about 12-15 new questions a day... so about 1/20 of a question every second. I just tested it out and I got 4 new questions in 1 second!
This website gets revised with new questions and answers every second!
Rate of New Questions Every HourAs of November 11, 2010, was averaging approximately 1,800 new questions every hour.
We at WikiAnswers do our very best to answer questions correctly and quickly. There are new questions submitted every second, so this is a never ending process.
There are three categories that contain questions about Answers:Questions about Answers.comQuestions about WikiAnswersQuestions about ReferenceAnswers
As of 11/15/2008:On average, 31,000 new questions are asked every day and about 8,000 new answers are added every day. Now the 8,000 new answers aren't necessarily related to the 31,000 new questions, this is just the average we get every day.
Rate of New QuestionsAs of November 11, 2010, was averaging approximately 44,000 new questions every day. (For more detailed statistics, see the Related questions.)
because everybody is learning new things every day!
Probably none - there are new questions submitted in every category on a daily basis. Not every new question will be answered immediately.
If you ask a useful question you'll get a useful answer. There are many people out there answering new questions every day.
There many be no new questions in autos as no one has any new questions or they have not been loaded.
Every category have 2 sections called "All unanswered questions" and "New questions". That is where you find them.