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its probably dirt so use a toothpick to get the dirt out

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Q: Why are there black marks like scratches 'in' your blackberry screen how do you get rid of them?
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Why are there black marks like scratches 'in' my blackberry screen how do i get rid of them?

its probably dirt so use a toothpick to get the dirt out

How can i fix an LCD lap screen broken with black marks?

If the black marks are dead pixels then you have to replace the screen you cant fix it.

How do you remove nail marks from face?

Nail marks would leave scratches on the face. These will need to heal and will go away on their own. If the scratches are deep enough, they may scar.

What part of speech is scratches?

"Scratches" can function as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to marks or abrasions on a surface. As a verb, it describes the action of making marks or abrasions on a surface.

How do you get a scratch off a cell phone screen?

You can get the scratch off using toothpaste or car wax and when you put it on you wait at least 5 minutes and lightly dab the marks on your phone to remove it.

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You can find detailed instructions on how to repair burn marks on a flat screen TV on

What the screen by pressing the pen onto the screen?

it makes marks

Do bed bugs cause thin scratches to the back?

no they leave little bit marks and that is because of were they have sucked your blood it doesnt matter were they do it, it will always be bit marks

How do you clean the Touch Screen from Stylus marks for the Nintendo DS?

if it's scratches take tooth paste not gel use something like arm an hammer tooth paste and rub it on it let it sit then take a slightly wet rag and rub it

What color is a fingernail scratch on the skin?

Most scratches from fingernails leave red marks where the scratch occurred.

When you try to reset your blackberry 8520 you go on options security options general settings menu wipe handheld then it says enter your blackberry what's this?

Unless they have recently changed it it does not say "enter your blackberry" it says "enter blackberry" and it wants you to type in the word "blackberry". No quotation marks, just the word blackberry. It may ask you to confirm it and you will want to type it in again.

How does rocks look after being dumped by a glacier?

after being all dumped out, the rocks might have deep scratches and marks.