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When a supervisor runs across them they will be trashed which removes them from the view of anyone who is not a supervisor. These questions are not completely removed as then they could be re-asked again. Trashing them prevents them from being asked again and if a user tries to re-ask it they will just be re-directed toward a catch-all question that will inform them that their question does not provide enough information or is inappropriate. There are only so many active supervisors that moderate this website so some inappropriate questions or ones that do not have enough information can slip through so if you run across a question that needs to be removed you can message a supervisor or flag the question by clicking the flag icon above the question at the right side.

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They are moved into a "Trash" category, and these questions are not removed.

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Q: Why are the questions that are deemed as not enough info to answer or adds no value not immediately deleted after tagged as such?
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Can you take questions off wiki answers?

Yes questions can be taken off WikiAnswers. The only reason they would be taken off Answers is if they were nonsense, did not have enough info to answer, were illegal, or inappropriate. You can always flag a question for review if you believe it should be deleted.

Why are my questions on ignored?

It could be that there is not enough information in the question to be able to answer it, or maybe the question is worded kind-of vague so people are not sure what you are asking. Or maybe the question is mis-categorized. It is not that they are ignored, it is that there is such a high volume of questions, not all of them can be answered immediately.

How can you get back your hotmail account which was deleted because you did not use it enough?

You can't. The whole reason why it was deleted is because you never went on it. No point crying over it now.

How do you request a question to be deleted?

Questions are only deleted off of WikiAnswers if they contain personal information such as e-mail addresses, social security numbers, home addresses, or the full name of non-celebrities. If you find a question that contains personal information you can contact any active supervisor on the site to take care of the question or you can post it in the Report Vandalism and Abuse section in the community forum. If a question is just inappropriate or does not contain enough information to answer then the question will just need to be trashed and not actually fully deleted off of the site. If you find a question that needs to be trashed then you can do just as stated above for questions that need to be deleted; either report the question to a supervisor or post it into the community forum.

Can I delete a question once it's answered?

No, only supervisors can remove questions off of the site by trashing them which hides them from regular users of the site. Supervisors are only allowed to trash inappropriate questions or questions that do not have enough information to be answered so just because you don't want your question on the site anymore does not mean it can be removed. Only questions that contain personal information in them qualify to be permanently deleted off of the site.

Can someone get their account deleted on YouTube if enough people block them?

I don't think so.

Why does Wikianswers say ask anything when sometimes question's get removed?

Because "ask anything" does not necessarily guarantee an answer. It is true that you can ask any question here. Questions that we can't answer for one reason or another, such as because there is not enough information, may be redirected to pages explaining why this is the case. Questions that appear obviously inappropriate for the site are usually deleted.

How do you delete accounts on howrse?

if you leave your account there and not take care of the horse for long enough, then your account will be deleted.

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you have no life

Where are the deleted scenes for Tangled on the DVD?

I have a DVD copy of Tangled, and I didn't see any deleted scenes. So if they had any they didn't think them important or long enough to put into the DVD. But there are two alternate beginnings to the movie that they scrapped, so I guess you could count those as deleted scenes.

When your boyfriend wants to date you and a friend with benefits does this mean you are not good enough?

You ARE good enough, he is NOT, kick him to the curb immediately.

When you are answering questions is it live?

No. Answers is a forum - not a 'live' site like a chatroom. When you submit a question, Answers places it in the categories you selected - or were suggested by the context of the question. You then need to be patient enough to allow the millions of users time to see your question - and form an answer. If you're answering questions - usually, your contributions are posted immediately, however - the answer you give is open to editing. If you've not given enough information - or perhaps you were mistaken in your answer - someone can change it for the better.