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Because they have the most mass

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Q: Why are supermassive galaxies often found at the cores of rich galaxy clusters?
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What kinds of galaxies are bright cores and spiral galaxies?

a spiral galaxy is what you call a "kind" or classificationfor example the milky way galaxy is a spiral galaxy

Where did a black hole come from?

Most black holes form when massive stars exhaust their fuel and their cores collapse. There are also supermassive black holes at the centers of most galaxies. Scientists are not sure how supermassive black holes form.

What is a galaxies core name?

As our telescopes improve, we have discovered that there are supermassive black holes in the cores of many, perhaps most galaxies. Scientists have long known that the galaxies did not appear to have enough mass to stay together; since they DO stay together, there has to be mass - a LOT of mass - that we aren't seeing. Since we don't know anything other as a core for a galaxy then, the Core itself must be called "The Black Hole".

Where would you look for a super massive black hole?

Supermassive black holes tend to hang out in galactic cores. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, has one at its nucleus.

Quasars are high-energy galaxies.?

More precisely, quasars are high-energy galaxy CORES, compact enough to appear starlike, yet emitting more radiation than a million "ordinary" galaxies.

What object in the universe emits microwaves?

Galaxies, specifically those with active galactic nuclei like quasars and radio galaxies, can emit microwaves as a result of the activity in their cores. This can be due to interactions between supermassive black holes and surrounding matter producing jets of high-energy particles that emit microwaves when they interact with the interstellar medium.

How does a galaxy that contains a quasar differ from an ordinary galaxy?

A galaxy that contains a quasar has an active supermassive black hole at its center that is emitting intense radiation and energy. This makes the galaxy much brighter and more energetic than an ordinary galaxy. Additionally, the presence of a quasar indicates that there is a significant amount of gas and dust being actively accreted by the black hole.

Can a galaxy die?

Yes, a galaxy can "die" in the sense that it exhausts its supply of gas and dust, which are needed to form new stars. As stars age and die, they stop generating the energy needed to keep the galaxy alive. Eventually, the galaxy will fade away and become a "dead" collection of old stars.

What do galaxies revolve around?

Galaxies revolve around their center of mass, which is where their most massive concentration of stars lies. This central region often contains a supermassive black hole that exerts a gravitational force on the surrounding stars and causes them to orbit around it.

Quasars are the most luminous objects in the known Universe?

Yes, quasars are extremely luminous and powerful sources of energy located in the distant universe. They are powered by massive black holes at the centers of galaxies, which accrete material and emit intense radiation across multiple wavelengths, including visible light and beyond. Their brightness can outshine that of entire galaxies, making them important objects of study in astrophysics.

Do black holes come from the death of quasars?

That's the current best guess; the formation of extremely powerful black holes in the centers of many galaxies. It's possible that when the central black hole in the Milky Way was forming, our own galaxy might have shined like a quasar. This may be why we never see any aliens in space; any civilization that existed then might have been exterminated by the radiation released when the central black hole formed. Earth's biosphere formed after that, and we might be one of the first spacefaring species since.

Do plums have cores?

Yes, plums have cores. :)