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Because parent always think they know best. Also most people get married to the wrong person, and you never know what is going to happen, because it is a cruel cruel world out there, so be careful. But when you get married, you should have always trust in your heart.

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Q: Why are my parents putting Pressure on me so i get married to the one they want?
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Me and my boyfriend want to get married he is 20 i am 16 we have a baby can we get married without my parents consent?

You have a child at 16!!??? No, until you turn 18 you need your parents consent. In Scotland you can.

Can you get married at age 17 without your parents consent in Texas?

why would you want to?

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They want to get married without a matchmaker and also get married with someone who is not Jewish like them.

If you don't want to ask your parents permission about get married where to go to get married?

You will have to wait until you are 18. There is no place in North America.

How can you explain to your parents that you don't want to marry?

I would use the approach that you aren't "ready" to get married. Most parents who are set on getting their kids married are not thinking of the wishes of their children. Explain how you are not where you want to be financially, or maybe do not have that career you want that you know will be stable before you get married. Show that you are responsible enough to make that decision for yourself, without being defiant.

Well i want to get married when i am 16?

That is not a good choice. Unless you have full support financially, you can't really get married. Plus, you have to ask yourself if your parents would let you get married.

Is it kidnapping if husband won't give kids back if they were left in the mothers custody when the separation occured?

* If the father has full custody of the children, yes. * If he has partial or shared custody with the mother, it may be a violation of parental rights; that area is quite dicey, so talk to a lawyer. * If the father has no custody but does have visiting rights, then again, talk to your lawyer. * If the father has no rights to the children, then there is no crime committed.

How do you write an article for my parents wedding anniversary?

You need to "interview" your parents about how they first met and got married, along with anything else they want to share with you.

How did you convince your parents to let you get married?

it is your choice not your parents. if your over 18 there's nothing they can do about it. If your under 18 you really should wait anyway. Most people wont respect you if you get married when your underage and it dousnt look the greatest. I get though if your trying to get your parents not to be mad at you for getting married. Sit down with them explain why you want to get to them about it. That's really the most you can do.

When you going married?

someone I con't currently know A: nobody. it always ends in divorce :(

In New York if you are married when you are under the age of 18 are you still in the custody of your parents?

First of all, if you are 16 or 17 and want to get married, your parents have to consent to the marriage. New York does not have an emancipation statute, so they are responsible for you until 18.