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Joe Roger

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Q: Who said 'it takes money to make money'?
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Why do they say Time Is Money?

It takes time to make money. For example if you work for one day you might make $50. If you are not working you are not making money. If stop work for half-a-day work then you throw away half-a-days wage etc Wasting time = wasting money. It is said Benjamin Franklin said this in 1748 in an essay titled 'Advice to a Young Tradesman'.

How much it cost to make a million dollars?

it takes no money if you have brains....

How much money does Arnold Shwarzzenegger make a year?

I seem to remember before he took office he said he would not accept any pay for that positions, how ever I bet he takes all he can from other gigs

How does china get their money?

they have millions of companies and they export alot of the things they make. They also save alot of money and as i said they make alot of things.

How does a country in debt make people poor?

It takes their money in order to get out of debt.

How can a bank make money?

Banks make money off of the interest that comes from loans. When someone takes out a loan, he pays back more money than he borrowed. That money becomes the bank's profit.

Why is money said to be the fuel that jumpstarts a business and keeps it operating?

Because if you don't have money you can't make a business.

Is there a name for a man who takes money to make a fake identity for someone?

He is a 'forger' or a 'counterfeiter,' or both

What do you get your boyfriend for your anniversary one month when he got you a 75 dollar necklace?

You shouldn't worry about what kind of money it takes, or what kind of money he spent on you either. You should do something that reminds him of the best moment of your two's relationship - that'd be something! Make sure that this gift, as I said, reminds you two of the best moment of your relationship and then either make it out to be a bracelet with little charms or something.

How much money make Alex Rodriguez?

approximately 1,000,000 dollars per every step he takes...

Who said money is what money does?


Can you make money with melaleuca?

Yes you can, but of coarse like anything it takes work. If you wantmore info please contact me .