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L~ Quinn is now about 12, and single.

U~Ashly is about 4, definitely single.

E~James is 15, and in a relationship(In game & Person)for 2 years with a girl, Sonya (Supersonya)

S~Tori is 16, in a relationship(In real) for 7 years with a boy named Luke.

P~Woody is 16, and single after the tragic 5 year break-up with him and his ex girlfriend Avril.

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Q: Who is luesp going out with on club penguin?
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Who is luesp?

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Is there going to be a eleventh mission on Club Penguin?

Yes, Club Penguin mentioned that there WAS going to be an eleventh mission.

When are famous penguins going to visit Club Penguin?

Famous club penguin characters visit club penguin on special events

When is Club Penguin going to end?

Soon IF the king (of club penguin) comes bring all the penguins to clouds but not club penguin BAYBEES. the club penguin baybees are going to stay here not going with THE KING THE KING is going to use his magic powers at the penguins for forget about club penguin baybees that means they don't remember bout clubpenguin baybees THE KING is coming back to get club penguin baybees when they grow up THE KINGS named is JACK FOUR hes green penguin

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for me no

Is there going to be a tenth mission on Club Penguin?

The tenth mission on Club Penguin has already been released.

How do you get to club penguin without going to miniclip and Club Penguin com?

you save it on your favorites or save it on your desktop.

Can you make a Club Penguin 2?

I don't think they are going to make a club penguin 2. They are just going to keep up-dating club penguin. If you have a Nintendo DS, they now have club penguin for that, and eventually they will have to make a club penguin for that, but if you play on the computer, they are just going to keep making up-dates, other then creating another game. ♥vanessa♥ edit: you could make a cpps called club penguin 2

When are you going to be a ble to get the penguin band hoodie again in club penguin?

=== === === ===

Is there a club penguin xbox Kinect game?

Ya there is going to be a xbox kinect game for club penguin and there is a top secret thing I will tell you there is Going to be a movie for club penguin in 3D and the characters are in 3D and the xbox kinect game is in 3D too ps.... I WORK IN CLUB PENGUIN.

What is Bouy5's password on Club Penguin?

The passwords of users in Club Penguin are not to be shared online on various sites outside of Club Penguin is not permitted. Club Penguin may be able to see these contactings, or may even ban you for going on the same server and time as other people who are going on because Club Penguin will believe this has suspicious activity.

Is there going to be mission 11 on club penguin?
