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KNK (Kishore Namit Kapoor) is a well-known Acting Guru in India, who has trained the biggest stars of Bollywood, namely Hrithik Roshan, Vivek Oboroi, Kareena Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, John Abraham, Kunal Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan and many more. Mr. Kishore Namit Kapoor has been dedicated and active in the field of 'acting training' for the past three decades and has achieved an originally evolved technique.

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Discuss the administration system of Vijaynagar Empire?

Administration of the Vijaya Nagar empireVijaya Nagar empire was ruled by the emperors belonging to four dynasties namely Sangama, Saluva. Thuluva and Araveedu dynasties. King was the supreme authority in civil, military and judicial matters. There was an imperial council of ministers to advice the king on important matters. In Continuation of Vijaya Nagar rule in the Tamil country. Krishna Devaraya created Nayakship in Madurai and Tanjore. A feudal type of Nayankara administrative system was introduced to replace local self Government institutions in Tamilnadu. They appointed nayaks in their provinces in Tamil country. The administrative reforms of Vijaya Nagar rulers continued till they were defeated by the sultans in the battle of Tali Kotta in 1565.Central administrationAchyutadeva raya had his coronation performed in the Tirupati Temple.The imperial councils:T.V.Mahilingam distinguishes between an imperial council and a council of ministers in VN.The imperial council was a large gathering of nayakas from the provinces, feudal vassals, 'pontifical heads', scholars, poets, artists, merchants, and even ambassadors from foreign kingdoms.Both SKD and his poet-laureate Peddana refer to such an assembly.It may be compared to the Privy council in England whose functions were more ceremonial than administrative.The council of ministes, compared to Kautilya's mantiparishad, and a smaller in size than the imperial council, played a more important part in influencing the policy of the govt. though its exact number is not known, it is presumed that, like shivaji's ashtapradhan, it consisted of eight ministers.It is generally met in a hall called Venkatavilasamantapa.The pradhani, "the forerunner of the maratha peshwa" was the PM and he presided over the meetings of the parishad.High qualifications were expected of the ministers; age between 50 and 70.Danadanatha and Sayana are known to have been the minister under both Bukka I and Harihara II; Dannayaka served as a minister for Devaraya I as well as Devaraya II.Ministers bore the title dandanayaka but this only meant that they were 'lords of the administraton' and not 'leaders of the forces'.The Amukta malyada expresses the view that the efficieny of administration will rise or fall with the increase or decrease of staff.The rayasam was an officer who recorded the oral orders of the king.The office of rayasam should have been quite an honourable one, for those who held it prefixed it to their personal names.The Sarvanayaka, the mudrakarta, and the vasalkariyam were some of the officers connected with the king and the court.Abdur Razzak saw the working of the Secretariat at VN in a forty-pillar hall, called it the diwan khana and described how the records were kept and writers seated.Kadamai, magamai, kanikkai, kattanam, kanam, varam, bhogam, vari, pattam, irai and kattayam were among the many terms used to denote the kinds of taxes collected in VN.Land tax was the most important source of revenue.Land was carefully assessed and the state claimed one-sixth of the produce as its share.The nature of the villages (whether it was devadana, brahmadeya, dalavay agrahara or karagrama), the tenure of land, the properties of the soil, and the kind of crop raised, were all considered before a levy was made.Inscriptions credited SKD with a systematic survey of his empire for the purpose of correct assessment.The nadalavukal, the rajavthadankol, and the gandarayagandakol were the names of the measuring rods in the empire.The house of a nattar was taxed at three panams, whereas that of a vetti was taxed at one-eighth of a panam.The kondavidu inscription of SKD gives a list of 59 articles and the rate of taxes collected on them.Onions and turmeric were taxed at the rate of one damma per bag, jaggery and ginger two dammas per bag.Nuniz speaks of the city of Nagalapura alone getting 42,000 pardoas of duties for the articles taken to be sold there; according to him the rights to collect duties at a particular gate alone in VN was rented out for 12,000 pardaos every year.The rate of tax differed from profession to profession.A goldsmith paid 5 panams, a fisherman paid half a panam.Inscriptions of sadasiva reveal the interesting information that he exempted barbers from paying taxes.Excise duties were levied on the manufacture of salt and toddy.Taxes collected in cash appear to have been known sometimes as siddhaya or 'realised revenue'.As regards collection itself, four different method were adopted.The govt granted portions of the empire to certain persons, who were called nayakas, in return for military service and the payment of a fixed tribute to the imperial govt.The revenue dept was known as asthavana and was presided over the minister for revenue.Currency:The gold coins that they minted speak well of the prosperity of the empire.The varaha, mentioned often in inscriptions, weighed about 52 grains; foreign travelers called the varaha was the panam; it was in large circulation.Silver and copper coins were also not unknown.Abdur razzak refers to a mint where the coins were made.Private individuals also owned mints and enjoyed the privilege of issuing coins. This must have resulted in the circulation of coins in various sizes,shapes and standards causing hardship to the people.The religion of most of the kings was vaishnavism.The hanuman symbol on the coins of Harihara I and Bukka I, of venkatesha and balakrishna on those of SKD, of garuda in those of tirumala are significant.Imams means gifted lands.Inscriptions of virudhachalam and pennadam show that they exercised such a right.The law of limitation held that mortgages would be valid for 20 years only.An inscription of an officer of sriranga III says that mortgages should restore property to the owners without demanding any money for the transfer.Abdur razzak refers to the pradhani functioning as the chief justice.The assumption of the title dharmapratipalaka by the PM saluva timma indicates that he had judicial functions as well.In the days of SKD, venkata tatayaraya was invested with powers to punish the followers of ramanuja who were guilty of lapses in social and religious matters.A dispute regarding the right of worship in the tirukkamisvaram udaiya nayanar temple at aragalur in salem dist was heard with all the attributes of a regular court of trail.Trial by ordeal is prevailed in that period.Nicolo conti refers to three kinds of ordeals: licking with the tounge a red hot iron, carring a red hot iron or plate for several paces, and the commonest of all, putting two fingers in boiling butter.SKD pleaded that those sentenced to death should given the chance to appeal for mercy three times.A detestable practice in VN was the offering of lives of prisoners as human sacrifice. Even SKD offered such sacrifices to mark "the successful termination of his big irrigation scheme".Policemen were held responsible the detection of crime in their respective areas; those who failed to detect were fined. Both abdur razzak and nuniz make this point clear.In the provinces, the police duties were performed by the kavalkaras under the nayakas.The kavalkaras generally belonged to criminal tribes.Sometimes the villages sold the right of policing; this was known as padikaval;The tax collected from the villagers for paying the police was known as arasu svatantram.Military organization:The feudal levies constituted by a large portion of the VN army.This class of feudatories who were bound by ties of military sevice to the king are said to have held lands of the king on an amaram tenure and were hence known in inscriptions as amaranayakas.There were a special force at the capital which nuniz calls the "king's guard", consisting of foot-soldiers, horses and elephants.They bore some resemblance to the ahadis of the mughal court.In the VN army the Brahmins occupied an important place.They were not only placed in charge of fortresses but were also appointed to lead the armies.Brahmins were either generals or provincial viceroys.Of the many branches of govt , the military dept was one and in the VN days it was called the khandachara.The mainstay of the army was the cavalry; the kings owed their victory in many a war to the cavalry. They were so strong in it that they were called asvapatis.Finding native horses weak and lean, SKD bought every year 13,000 horses; he was particularly fond of horses from Ormuz.Nuniz speaks of SKD taking cannon to the raichur battle.The description of the fort at Gutti as "the nave of wheel of the sovereignty" will hold good for other forts as well.The forts were of four kinds: sthala durga, jala durga, giri durga and vana durga.The forts erected in newly conqured areas were known as padaiparru.Provincial government:The kingdom in the extreme south were independent of VN; Barbosa and abdur razzak, the foreign writers, make sure of this.A2 Paes, the Portuguese traveller, the empire under SKD had "six hundred leagues of coast, and across it three hundred and forty-eight leagues".It consisted of 17 provinces in the days of Achyuta Raya (1530-42).Provinces were generally known as rajyas; they were sometimes called mandalams in the Tamil country andpithikas in the knk region.To distinguish minor rajyas from major ones, the later were called maharajyas; for example, Tiruvadi was a rajya whereas Chandragiri was a maharajya.The kingdoms of Kandanur and Udaigiri forts may be sited as examples of forts serving as nuclei of provinces.Governors:Princes were usually appointed governors of provinces.Amongst the sangamas, Kampana I and Marappa, brothers of Harihara I; kumara kampana, son of bukka I; virupaksha I and devaraya I, sons of Harihara II; vira vijaya raja, son of devaraya I; and srigiri, son of vira vijaya raya were some of the princes who served as provincial governors.The saluvas and the tuluvas departed from this practice because the rulers of these dynasties had only a few sons.Sangama princes who ruled as governors assumed the title Udaiyar.Sometimes officers of ability and experiences were also appointed as governors and occupied a position similar to that of prince-governors. Such governors were known as dandanayakas.Harihara II appointed naraharimantrin as governor of the Banavase province after consulting his ministers.Kampana I is known to have been succeeded by his son sangama II as governor of Udayagiri rajya.Transfer of governor from one province to another was also not uncommon.An inscription found in the Kolar (knk) speaks of the horse, the umbrella, and howdah of elephants as among the honours conferred on provincial rulers.More important was their right to issue coins in their own names.A2 Caesar Frederick, "every one (of the governors) stamped a small coin of copper".A copper coin of Lakkanna, a governor of Devaraya II, proves this point.Naganna, the mahapradhani of devaraya I, governed Muluvagil rajya;Lakkanna, the PM of Deva Raya II, held charge of various procinces successively;Timmana, the mahapradhani of Mallikarjuna, was the lord of Nagamanga, a division;Saluva Timma, the PM of SKD, was the governor of Kondavidu;Saluva Vira Narasimha Nayaka, the PM of Achyuta Raya, governed Tiruvadi rajya.These minister-governor administered their provinces through deputies known as karyakartas.The governors had their own ministerial council; and such councils probably consisted of the pradhani, the olai, the dalavay, the treasurer, the samantadhikari, and a few others.Deva raya II rescued the members of the left-hand and right-right communities from extortion by his governors and officers.Nuniz gave a list of 11 governors, their income, and their contribution to the imperial govt. for example,Adapanayak who had an income of 3,00,000 pardaos of gold had to maintain 8,000 foot and 800 horse soldiers for the king's army and remit two-fifteenths of his income to the royal treasury.Instances of provincial governors increasing their influence and power even at the expence of the imperial house.Saluva Narasimha, governor of Chandragiri, usurped the throne of Virupaksha II, and founded the second dynasty in the history of VN.Vira Narasimha, a minister, was another usurper who ruled during 1506-09.The Nayakara system:A2 this system the king was considered to be the owner of the soil and he distributed the lands to his dependents. Those who held lands from the king were called nayakas.First, they had to pay a fixed annual financial contribution to the imperial exchequer which, A2 the chronicle of nuniz, was generally half their revenue.Secondly, they were required to maintain for the king a sufficient number of troops and serve them in his wars.The nayaka enjoyed comparatively greater freedom in his province.It seems that the nayaka was not usually subject to transfer from one district to another.The nayakas maintained two sets of officers at the imperial head-quarters. One of them appears to have been an officer in -charge of the military of his lord stationed at the capital.The other officer whom the nayaka kept at the imperial court, was the sthanapati or civil agent who represented the interests of his master at the capital.Local Government:A province in the tamil country was divided into districts called kottams or kurrmas.A kottam was divided into taluks known as nadus.A nadu was divided into aimbadin melagaram or units of fifty villages;Below this came the agarams.But in the knk region territorial divisions and subdivisions were known by different names.A province was divided into venthes, a venthe into simes, a sime into sthalas, and a sthala into valitas.Brahmadeya villages, also known as chaturvedimangalams, were administered by assemblies called sabhas.Sometimes the sabhas were also called mahasabhas or mahajanas; for example, the sabha of kaveripakkam was called the mahasabha and that of Agaraputtur the mahajan.The sabhas appear to have been large bodies.High qualifications were expected: they should have studied the four Vedas, gathered a good knowledge of the permormance of sacrifices.The sabhas functioned as tax-collecting agencies for the imperial govts.The sabhas exercised tremendous influence over the revenue policy of the state.The sabhas had judicial power as well.The sabhas are also known to have confisciated lands of the guilty and assigned with them to temples; for example, the assembly of Tirupperundurai confiscicated the lands of one Andan Pillai of Tirupatturur and gave them to the temple of Solapandya Vinnagar Emberumanar.An assembly in a non-brahmadeya village was called the Ur.The nadu:The nadu was the assembly of a large territorial division.The members of the nadu, known as the nattavar, figure in inscriptions selling lands and making sarvamanya gifts to institutions like temples.The period from 907-1120 has been called "the golden age of the mahasabha".The ayagar system:An important feature of the village organization was ayagar system.A2 it, every village was a separate unit and its affairs were conducted by a body of 12 functionaries who were collectively known as the ayagars.Once granted them, these ayagars had a hereditary right over their offieces.The ayagars could sell or mortigage their offices.They were granted tax-free lands (manyams) which they were to enjoy in perpectuity for their services.The Temple:The temples were granted sarvamanya lands.SKD remitted 10,000 varahas in favour of the shaiva and the Vishnu temples in the cholamandalam and allowed the temples themselves to collect taxes worth that amount.The temples functioned as banks.Local officers:The parupatyagar was a representative of the king or a governor in a locality. He functioned as the government's chief tax collector in his locality, was incharge of the repair and maintenance of forts and works of public utitlity and acted as the trusty of the grants made by the king.The adikari: every city and an every village had an adhikari. Doucments were executed in his presence.There are references in the inscriptions to adhikaris attesting partition needs and confirming land grants.The antrimars played an important part in village administration.The nattunayakkars were persons of consequence.Superintendents of nadus:Sthalagaudika, men who rendered yeomen service, like constructing towers to forts, were appointed sthalagaudikas of village.The senabovas were accountant and kept the revenue registers of their villages or nadus.The madhyastha was a mediator, whenever lands were solds, these arbitrators fixed the price.The periyanattuvelal is mentioned in connection with the attention of documents.Society or social life of the empire of VN:It was the last kingdom in the history of India in which the king is considered it their duty to protect and promote the traditional social order based on varnashrama system.A common phrase used by numerous VN kings, sarvavarnashrama dharmangalannu palisutta (protector of the interests of all the varnas or castes) indicates that the state was not indifferent to matters of social importance.The castes and classes:Madhava and sayana (Brahmins), the learned commentators of the Vedas, were ministers under bukka I and harihara II. They could not be awarded death sentence.As van linschoten points out: "the Brahmins are the honest and the most esteemed nation amongst the Indian heathens; for they always serve in the chiefest places about the king as receivers, stewards, ambassadors and such like officers. They are of great authority among the Indian people, for that the king doth nothing withouttheir counsel and consent".The absence of the kshatriya in the history of VN is due to the fact that the vitality was made up by the activities of the commercial and agricultural class.The middle classes comprising the settis or chettis who belonged to the merchantile classes had relegated the kshatiryas into the background.A most significant feature of the social history of the later VN period, was the rise of social conciousness among different communities. Attempts were made by them for evolution of social solidarity among themselves. The vipra vinodins were one such social class.Like the vipra vinodins, artisans called the vira panchalas who consisted of black smiths, gold smiths, brass-smiths, carpenters and idol makers, fought among themselves for certain rights and privelages.The belur inscription dated AD 1555 refers to the fight between artisans and cultivators.Kaikkolas (weavers) were a prominent community. They lived generally round the temple precincts.The tottiyans or combalattars were originally shepards and became petty paraigars in the south.They followed the system of polyandry and post-puberty marriage. Often the bridegroom was younger than the bride. Their females are noted for loose moralities.The women were allowed to have marital relations with the father or male relations of her husbands.Divorce, remarriage and sati were also practiced by them. They were generally vishnavas.Reddis: They came into prominence from the time of devaraya II.Dombaras, who gave jugglers to the country.Marawas or fisher folkJogies, paraiyans, boyees, erkelas, and kallars.The advent of the budagas from the north to the south resulted in social upheaval.Such lower castes which were granted privelages of the upper were known as sat-shudras or better or good shudras and were even allowed to wear the sacred thread without observing the prescribed ceremony or rituals.Conflicts among the industrial classes divided into the velangais or right-handers and idangais or left-handers.Position of women:The state encouraged widow remarriage by not levying any marriage-tax on their marriage.Women also were wrestlers, astrologers and sooth-sayers, body guards, accountants, writers, musicians and even went to the battle field.Sati or sahagamana:A2 inscriptions it was the gaudas and sometimes nayakas who were given to sati right. It was, however, voluantary.Barbosa, nuniz, Caesar, Frederick, pietro della valle and other foreign travelers gave a vivid and realistic picture of this custom.The widows commited sati two or three months after the death of their husbands.Lingayaths performed it by being buried alive.The custom was popular because the queens wanted to escape dishonour at the hands of muslims.Shaving of the head of the was a punishment for not commiting sati.Slavery:Slavery also existed in the VN period, the desabaga or the sale of human beings was also not unknown. Bothmale and female slaves.Nicolo conti says, "they have a vast number of slaves, and the debtor who is insolvent is everywhere is adjudged to be the property of his creditor".The masters by and large treated them with kindness and consideration

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-18 1i 18 1i,-1b t -7 1h,27 du 2h en 3d eh,6f 166 74 16u 7t 17s 8i 18l 95 19b 9l 19t a3 1ae ag 1at,ae 1b0 if 1k6,ie 1k7 sc 1vr sr 20f tb 211 u0 21e um 21q vc 224,111 22e 1nu 22e 1p2 20i 1nj 22g,1ol 21e 1n1 22e,1o7 21t 1m3 22e,1o2 22b 1l2 22e,v8 21u 114 22i,3sm 11e 59m 114,57q 114 592 v8 57g 114,58e 106 576 114,584 10q 568 114,5b8 1s0 5bm 1sq 5c7 1to 5cl 1uj 5d2 1vb 5df 202 5e0 20o 5ej 21g 5f4 225,5f0 228 5fn 230 5ga 23m 5gq 248 5h9 24o 5hs 25b 5im 260 5jd 26h 5ka 273 5lf 27k 5mh 283 5ng 28g 5oo 28r 5q1 299 5rf 29r 5sn 2ac 5u3 2ar 5vj 2b9 614 2bn 62m 2c8 649 2cn 65t 2d3 67h 2db 696 2dg 6as 2dl 6ci 2dp 6e8 2dt 6g0 2dv 6hp 2e1 6jh 2e2 6lb 2e2,87o 3l6 88a 3lu 88u 3mo 89g 3ng 89v 3o5 8ag 3or 8b4 3pg 8bn 3q2 8cb 3ql 8d6 3rg 8e6 3sk 8f3 3tk 8g3 3un 8h6 3vr 8ib 412 8jh 42b 8kq 43h 8m6 44l 8nk 45o 8p5 46m 8qn 47f 8sb 487 8tv 48v 8vk 49g 91b 49v 932 4ac 94q 4an 96j 4au 98b 4b4 9a4 4ba 9bt 4bd,9c0 4bc ai4 4bc,eed 8d7 eet 8dn,ego 8f6 ehb 8fj,ei2 8g0 eiu 8g9 ejr 8gg ekm 8gl,eln 8gq emm 8gu enm 8h1 eok 8h4 epk 8h6,f92 8he fb8 8ek f8o 8he,fak 8f8 f8e 8he,faa 8g6 f7q 8he,f9c 8h4 f6s 8he,faa 8fs f84 8he,fka 8jk g8k 9jq g8u 9kj g9c 9lc g9p 9m3 ga7 9mr gaj 9ne gb1 9o7 gbg 9ov gc3 9pp gco 9qh gdb 9r6 gds 9rq gej 9sd gfb 9sr gg3 9t9 ggt 9tk ghs 9tt gj0 9u5 gk7 9uh glm 9v0 gn4 9vb gom 9vn gqa a04 gs1 a0j gtq a12 gvj a1i h1e a21 h39 a2i h56 a33,h52 a34 hqa a34,hpc a1s hqk a1s,huc aak i0i aem i32 ae2 i2e abi,i32 a9m i3c ado i6q aec i8c a9c,epf 8h6 f95 8hg,ekk 8gn el5 8go elm 8gq,a74 4bb aru 40d,art 40g asr 3v8,bv5 48e dfi 4q6 dtf 4r2,e1j 4r8 ebt 4qb,ebt 4qa efg 4ng,efe 4ng ebb 4qd,eeb 4oa eas 4qa,edm 4ot e9u 4qd,ecr 4ph e8i 4qi,ec2 4q8 e77 4qp,dtd 4r2 dud 4qo,dp1 9i6 cvd a67,cvc a67 cuh a6u cti a7q csf a8p cre a9k cq8 aae cov ab7 cnj ac0 cm5 aco ckk adf cj2 ae4 chf aeq cfq aff ce3 afv cca ag9 cag agf c8l agj c6q ago c4v agt c33 ah1 c17 ah6 bvb ah9 btd aha brf ah9 bph ah8 bni ah5 blj ah3 bjj ah1 bhi agv bfi agt bdi agq bbi ago b9h agm b7h agj b5g agh b3g agf b1f agc avf aga atf ag7 are ag5,are ag6 app afa,ach bnq b1e cni,b1d cni b1r co2 b27 coj b2l cp4 b3c cpo b44 cqj b4r crh b5o csl b6l ctj b7l cuj b8o cvk b9s d0n bb2 d1q bca d2t bdj d41 bes d56 bga d68 bhs d76 bjf d81 bl4 d8s bmp d9m boe dah bq5 dba brv dbt btr dcd bvo dcq c1l dd7 c3i ddh c5g ddp c7e de1 c9c de8 cba dec cd8 def cf6 dei ch4 dek cj3 den,cj3 del ctq den,d2r dis d62 do6 d8k dnn d7j dki,d8d dki d9a dnn dc9 dn2 dbm dgh,cuj df7 e9v ddi,e89 ddg eeg d8s,eeg d8s e7i ddk,ecq da4 e6u ddl,ebs dar e6d ddl,eak dbo e5o ddl,e9m dcc e4h ddl,e96 dcr e3g ddn,e8j dd8 e28 ddq,f0i e7n g6c f34,g4d f1k gbg f1u g3p f18,g8o f1p g3c f0p,g6s f1n g2c f04,g58 f1p g1b eve,g5i f1m g29 f05,gbe f20 hj5 f3u hj5 f6e,hnc f6e hpq f6d,hpo f6d i21 f6i it1 frn,it1 frp it2 fsf itk ftg iuf fuj ivj fvi j0n g09 j1v g13 j38 g1u j4k g2r j61 g3q j7g g4p j90 g5q jah g6s jc3 g7u jdl g91 jf9 ga4 jgv gb4 jin gc3 jkh gcv jmd gdp jo9 geg jq5 gf5 js2 gfp jtv ggb jvs ggs k1p gha k3n ghj k5m gho k7m ghs k9m ghv kbl gi2 kdl gi3,kdk gi1 kl2 ghv,kk6 ggl kkr ggl,hj5 f6f hnq f6d hj2 f63,hmb f6d hj2 f5n,hll f6f hj4 f5d,hkp f6f hj5 f52,hk5 f6b hj2 f4f,hjk f65 hj4 f40,hj4 f4f hnr f6b,kni gj2 kpl gmq kre gma,ks0 glr ku6 gln,kj1 gla kja go9,kj1 gla kk9 gld kkg gmq kjd gmv,kj8 gnd kkj gn8 kkn goj kjd gp0 kjd goc,klc gne klh goo,kkt gma kkt gmi klb gmg kl6 gm0 kkq gm0 kkv gmi,klj glu km5 gol,kmf gmd klr gne kn8 gom,ko0 gmg kmp gmq kni gom kof gob,kna gnn ko6 gn9,kmm glp knh gl0,kn8 gkh knk gl8 knu gkk,kn5 gkf knu gkm,l0c gn8 kv4 gm8,kv6 glr kut gmn kug glu kv6 glp,l09 goh l15 gmu l1d gni l1u gn1 l23 goq,l2k goq l36 gn6 l3v gor,l2u go4 l3i go4,l4b gog l4q gno l5f gol l5c gln,krb gma kqn gke,ks1 gln kr6 gk4,ku4 glm kso ghl#hri ag8 hri ak0,hri ag8 hte ahg hsg ai4 hu2 aj2 hri ak0,hum aio hva aka,hum ahq huc ahq huc ai4 hum ai4 hum ahq,hva agi hvk akk,i0i ahq hvk aio i0s aka,i1q ahq i0s ai4 i16 aka i24 aka,i16 aj2 i1g aj2,hu2 afu hum af0,huc af0 hv0 afa hva aec,huc af0 hva aec,i9u ags i8c afk,i82 afu i8m afa i7o afa,i82 afu i7o afa,i90 ajc i90 ahg i9a ai4 i9k ahq i9u ajc,ia8 ajc ia8 ahg ibg ajc,ib6 ai4 ia8 aio,ic4 aj2 ic4 ahg id2 aj2 id2 ags,hqu akk i32 am6,iea aj2 i7o al8,h9e 9v2 hdg 9ue,hbk 9uo hbk a1i,hci 9vm hci a18,hci a0k hdg a0k,hdg a00 hdg a18,hdq a0a hdq a1i hee a1i,hdq a0a hee a0a,hdq a0u he4 a0u,hh8 9uo hfm 9uo hfm a1s hhi a1s,hfm a0a hga a0a,hhs a0k hhs a1s,hhs a0u hiq a0u hiq a1s,hjo a0u hj4 a0u hj4 a1s hjo a1s hjo 9vc,16o 228 16o 1sa 19i 1pq 1a6 1pq 1cm 1sa 1cm 228,16o 1sa 1cm 1sa,e0v 4ie e1e 4mv,e0t 4ih e2s 4ih,e2s 4ih e2u 4k5,e2u 4k5 e0m 4kd,e2r 4ks e2p 4ml,e2u 4l1 e3u 4kv e3q 4lo e30 4lt e3u 4mg,e5b 4l1 e4b 4l3 e4b 4m2 e54 4m1,e4d 4m2 e4d 4mm e5e 4mm,e6o 4ku e5o 4l3 e60 4lv e6t 4lq e72 4mo e5v 4mv,e8g 4ks e7n 4ku e7n 4lo e8i 4lo e8k 4mm e7p 4mo,e49 4nh e6p 4no e57 4pd e6k 4pa,b71 a5f b6t a8o,b6v a5f b89 a5f b89 a6s b77 a6s,b7q a7l b7t a8o,b7q a7n b8f a7i,b98 a7g b8m a7n b8t a8n b9n a8b,b90 a86 b9h a81,bbd a6u ba3 a6u ba5 a7s bbg a7p bbg a8n b9m a8s,bde a75 bcj a7a bcl a7p bdm a7p bdu a8s bcg a91,b7c a9j b9u a9t b7t abp ba5 abp,b6n aaj b2o aa9 b2q adn,b1n adj b3t adj b2m af4,b1q adl b2o af4#B dhh dds 2q,B d5f de3 2q,B d82 de3 2o,B amq 42a ok,B a7q 4ae o8,B abs 47u of,B 962 4a4 pa,B 94q 49q pa,B 93i 49q pa,B 92k 49g q5,B 6c2 2d6 pa,B 6aq 2d6 pa,B 69s 2cs ps,B 3tu vs s4,B 3us vs s4,B 3vg vi s4,B 3v6 v8 s4,B 3u8 v8 s4,B 3tk uu s4,B 3v6 uu s4,B 3ui uk s4,B 3ta ua r9,G 3vq v8 s4,G 3us v8 s4,G 3u8 uk s4,G 3us ua s4,G 3vg ua s4,G 3tu u0 s4,G 3ui tm s4,G 3ta tc s4,G 180 210 pa,B 1c2 21u pa,B 1ag 21u pa,B 12m 21u pa,B 114 21u pa,G i0 1g0 tn,G pfo 6tt dv,G p8m 6r9 e2,B ekp 8g3 eb,B eol 8gd e5,B d1r 4ke en,B cmi ab4 it,B ckc acm ir