The telephone was invented in the 1870s.The light bulb was invented in the 1880s.The microwave oven was invented in the 1940sTo the telephone came first.
Telephone The telephone was invented in 1876.The light bulb was invented in 1879. The microwave was invented in 1945.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in New Haven,Connecticut
The inventor of the telephone was Alexander Graham Bell.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephones. Bell Canada, is known to be named after the deceased inventor of the telephone.
The telephone was Invented by Alexander Graham Bell 1874. Much before the shampoo
The telephon was invented first by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879, and the microwave was invented much later in the mid-20th century.
Alexander Grham Bell invented the telephone
It was invented in 1956 by Raymond P. Phillips.
The telephone was invented in America, not in India.
A guy named Alexandil Gilla Bethelherm invented the first telephone
invented the telephone