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In 1947 Bell labs made the first cell phone, but the man most given the credit is Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola when in 1973 he made a cell phone very much like the ones we have today. In 1983 the first cell phones were sold to the public.

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13y ago

The first cell phone was made by Bell Labs in 1947, but it wasn't until 1974 that Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola made a phone that was used by the government only. In 1984 the first phones were sold to the public.

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Martin 'Marty' Cooper invented the first handheld mobile phone. He invented the phone while working for Motorola in the 1970's.

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Einstein invented the lightbulb

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Q: Who invented the first ever cell phone in the world?
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Who invente the first cell phone in the world?

Yes the 1 cell phone has been invented in Bell Labs

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What year was the first cell invented?

The first cell phone was invented in 1973 by Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher. He made the first call on a handheld mobile phone on April 3, 1973.

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Alexander Grambell DID create the first cell phone, he was the inventor of the telephone. aMrtin Cooper invented the cell phone.

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What did martin Cooper invented?

He invented the first cell phone.......and made the first call to Joel Answered by: Gifty

What was the first cell phone invented?

I think it is a kind of motorola.

Where was it cell phone invented?

lol, The First Mobile Phone (Cell Phone) was Invetnted In China By the Dvd SEllers aka tony

Which company sold the first commercial cell phone in 1984?

the cell phone was invented in 1973 not 1983

When the first cell phone was invented?

Bell labs made a first cell phone in 1947, but Dr. Martin Cooper in 1973 made a cell phone most like we have today.

What was invented 2002?

In 2002, the camera phone was invented. The camera is now on every cell phone in the world and is used daily.

What are facts about the cell phone?

The cell phone was invented by Martin Cooper in 1973. The first one was made in New York.