n order to ensure that people will have reliable communication no matter their location, the Iridium phones were invented, and these, along with their Iridium antenna and Iridium satellite, make sure that the phone can pick up sufficient signal anywhere in the world. It was during the month of October in 1982 when the very first DSCS satellite commenced. The on-orbit gathering of the DSCD is made up of eight different satellites in the geosynchronous-orbit, and then there is just one satellite located in the supersynchronous-orbit, which is only used for the purpose of testing and no other, like many people suspect...COULDNT FIND INVENTOR
You can find the iridium phone on the iridium satellite phone communications website. You can also find iridium phones at your local satellite phone provider.
Iridium is a satellite phone company that boasts the only truly global network. An Iridium phone is a portable phone that accesses the Iridium Satellite network to place calls from virtually anywhere on earth.
An iridium phone is one that is linked to other phones by a iridium satellite. There are also iridium pagers and other items. You can find them on sale on Amazon or Ebay.
The Fortis Mobile Phone does not appear to be a satellite phone. Further, Fortis is not listed as a manufacturer of satellite phones. If you are looking to purchase a satellite phone, you may want to look for a phone by Iridium.
If someone were interested in renting an Iridium satellite phone they most likely would be looking at $5-$10 per day according to the Road Post website.
The satellite phone was invented in 1947, by Bell Labs engineers at AT&T. (:
According to multiple websites of information on satellite phone system, satellite phone systems were invented in the year of 1979. Satellite phone systems make it possible for people to use their cellphones and communicate to each other.
Satellite phones can be easily found online. Sat Phone Store, Global Store, Sat Phone, and Iridium are all great online sources for satellite phones.
The Iridium 955 seems to be the cheapest satellite phone available. Although the phone is the cheapest the price is still in the $1000 dollar range so it is still relatively expensive compared to other cell phones.
Calling an iridium satellite phone depends upon which country one is calling from. If one is calling from the United States, he/she must dial the prefixes 011--8816 followed by the eight digit phone number. However, if one is calling from a country such as Germany or Mexico, he/she would instead use the prefixes 00-8816. Australia, for instance, uses the prefixes 0011-8816 to dial an iridium satellite phone.
Iridium satellite phones are the best. They are better quality than all the rest and have a 3 year warranty so in the chance it does break you can get a full refund. They have good signal and overall are well made phones.