

Best Answer

Dr. Martin Cooper of motorola invented the mobile phone and made the world's first mobile phone call on April 3rd, 1973.

The mobie phone was made by the Motorola company. it was invented by Dr Martin Cooper. the first moble phone weighed around 2kgs and its battery lasted only for ten minutes.
The cell phone started as police radios in the 1920's and was developed by Bell Labs in 1947. Martin Cooper in 1973 made the first cell phone as we know it, but it wasn't used by the public until 1983.
Martin Cooper working at Motorola in 1970 invented the handheld portable cellphone.

The cellphone was first invented at Bell Labs in 1947 by Douglas H. Ring, et. al. who spelled out in an internal memo the complete requirements for a cellphone system. However the technology of that time was obviously inadequate to meet these requirements, so neither Bell Labs nor the parent company AT&T made any attempt then to build hardware or license radio bandwidth.

By the late 1960s though AT&T decided the technology was nearly ready and in 1969 began negotiation with the FCC for radio bandwidth for their cellphone system. However neither Bell Labs nor AT&T seriously considered that it might be possible to build a working cellphone smaller than a box that would fill most of the trunk of a car (like the then available AT&T car radio phone did).

These 1969 AT&T/FCC negotiations prompted Cooper to think of a better way to make a cellphone as a possible way to break some of AT&T's total monopoly over telecommunications at the time, resulting in his 1970 invention. However Cooper's handheld portable cellphones could not work without the cell towers and call management techniques of Ring's original cellphone system.
Dr. Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone.

Dr. Cooper may have invented the idea for the first commercial mobile phone, but the first actual working handheld cell phone was built by Oren Verble, a Kennedy Space Center rocket tech. I saw it work.

What Oren did was install a high powered walkie talkie on top of a water tank tower and he wired it to a land phone line. He took the matching walkie talkie and attached a touch-tone keypad to the front of it. I saw this actual device and I saw him place one of the first cell phone calls ever made in history - it was the 1970's

I know this for a fact, I was there.

Updated by Al Schrader April 6, 2014
Bell Labs in 1948 made the first prototype of the cell phone. The Cooper phone (invented by Martin Cooper) is most like the one we have today so is considered the first. The idea of a cell phone started as early as the 1920's when radios were used by the police. It wasn't until 1984 that the first cell phones were sold to the public. Until that time they were only in use by government agencies.

Although phones were used in cars, almost as soon as radio was invented, they were not cell phones in the true sense. Early car phones communicated to a single base station and most needed an operator to connect the calls. Cell phones were only possible when computers could be incorporated into the handset. Cell phones communicate via many small land based transmitters, or cells.

The phone has to automatically log onto a cell, check validation, change channel, change output power, all without intervention or knowledge of the user. Motorola did a lot of the research in the 1980's. Some of the innovation and technology was developed by radio amateurs developing packet radio.
Doctor Martin Cooper
Martin Cooper (and team) made the first cell phone while working for Motorola in 1973.
The mobie phone was made by the Motorola company. it was invented by Dr Martin Cooper. the first moble phone weighed around 2kgs and its battery lasted only for ten minutes.


The first hand-held mobile (or cell phone) was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell and Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, using a handset weighing around 2.2 pounds (1 kg). In 1983, the DynaTAC 8000x was the first to be commercially available.
Dr. Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone.

Dr. Cooper may have invented the idea for the first commercial mobile phone, but the first actual working handheld cell phone was built by Oren Verble, a Kennedy Space Center rocket tech. I saw it work.

What Oren did was install a high powered walkie talkie on top of a water tank tower and he wired it to a land phone line. He took the matching walkie talkie and attached a touch-tone keypad to the front of it. I saw this actual device and I saw him place one of the first cell phone calls ever made in history - it was the 1970's

I know this for a fact, I was there.

Updated by Al Schrader April 6, 2014
Bell Labs in 1948 made the first prototype of the cell phone. The Cooper phone (invented by Martin Cooper) is most like the one we have today so is considered the first. The idea of a cell phone started as early as the 1920's when radios were used by the police. It wasn't until 1984 that the first cell phones were sold to the public. Until that time they were only in use by government agencies.

Although phones were used in cars, almost as soon as radio was invented, they were not cell phones in the true sense. Early car phones communicated to a single base station and most needed an operator to connect the calls. Cell phones were only possible when computers could be incorporated into the handset. Cell phones communicate via many small land based transmitters, or cells.

The phone has to automatically log onto a cell, check validation, change channel, change output power, all without intervention or knowledge of the user. Motorola did a lot of the research in the 1980's. Some of the innovation and technology was developed by radio amateurs developing packet radio.
Dr. Martin Cooper
Any history of cell phones starts with Samuel Morse. He conceived of an electromagnetic telegraph in 1832 and constructed an experimental version in 1835. Then, on October 18, 1842, Morse laid wires between Governor's Island and Castle Garden, New York, with the distance of a mile. Part of that circuit was under water because Morse wanted to show that an underwater cable could transmit signals as well as a copper wire suspended on poles. But before he could complete this demonstration a passing ship pulled up his cable, ending, it seemed, his experiment. However, undaunted, Morse proceeded without the cable, passing his telegraph signals through the water itself. This introduced the concept of wireless by conduction. Quite simply, Samuel Morse's telegraph was the first device to send messages by electricity. So now there was the know-how to send messages. And the possibilities of exactly how to do this were abounding. Now it was known that water could conduct electricity and carry messages, other conductors were sought out.

In 1843, a skilled analytical chemist by the name of Michael Faraday began exhaustive research into whether space could indeed conduct electricity, using the principles already established by telegraphy. In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell released his paper "Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field" which concluded that light, electricity, and magnetism, were all related. All of these worked hand in hand, and all electromagnetic phenomena traveled in waves. Then, in 1865, Dr. Mahlon Loomis of Virginia, a dentist, may have been the first person to communicate through wireless via the atmosphere. Between 1866 and 1873 he transmitted telegraphic messages at a distance of 18 miles between the tops of Cohocton and Beorse Deer Mountains in Virginia. He developed a method of transmitting and receiving messages by using the Earth's atmosphere as a conductor and launching kites enclosed with copper screens that were linked to the ground with copper wires.

Over the next thirty years, most inventors and developers concentrated on wire line telegraphy, suspending wires between poles, which eventually became what we know as telephone poles. Few tinkered exclusively with wireless since a basic radio theory had not yet been worked out. Several experiments conducted on a trial and error basis produced no results. Telegraphy, however, did produce a good understanding of wireless by induction since wires ran parallel to each other and often induced rogue currents into other lines. So now they knew that electromagnetic messages could travel through the air. Then along came another man with a vision - Martin Cooper, known by many as the father of the cellular phone. Hired by Motorola in 1954, Mr. Cooper worked on developing portable products, including the first portable handheld police radios, made for the Chicago police department in 1967. He then led Motorola's cellular research. In the meantime, AT&T's research arm, Bell Laboratories, introduced the idea of cellular communications in 1947. But Motorola and Bell Labs in the sixties and early seventies were in a race to incorporate the technology into portable devices.

Martin Cooper won that race! Cooper set up a base station in New York with the first working prototype of a cellular telephone, the Motorola Dyna-Tac (see picture below). After some initial testing in Washington for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Mr. Cooper and Motorola took the phone technology to New York to show the public. On April 3, 1973, at a public demonstration and using a heavy 30-ounce phone, Martin Cooper placed the first cell phone call to his rival at AT&T Bell Labs from the streets of New York City. Mr. Cooper commented, "As I walked down the street while talking on the phone, sophisticated New Yorkers gaped at the sight of someone actually moving around while making a phone call. Remember that in 1973, there weren't cordless telephones or cellular phones. I made numerous calls, including one where I crossed the street while talking to a New York radio reporter - probably one of the more dangerous things I have ever done in my life."


First Cell Phone (1973): Motorola Dyna-Tac

The size of the phone was 9 x 5 x 1.75 inches , the weight of the very first phone weight at 2.5 pounds ,the phone of 1973 had no kinds of display because in their time they did not have the advanced type of technology that we have , the amount of Talk time the phone had was a total of 35 minutes also it took a total of 10 hours for the phone to fully recharge. The features of the phone were only talk, listen, and dial. This first cell phone call caused a fundamental technology and communications

by:jada ruth
It was April 3, 1973. Richard Nixon was in power, Elton John was top of the pop charts and a bloke by the name of Martin Cooper was about to make a phone call that would change the world. Cooper worked for what was then a little-known company called Motorola and he had just developed the world's first "hand-held cellular telephone''. "It was huge,'' recalls Cooper, who was in Sydney this week to address a communications conference. "The phone weighed almost two kilos - it was about the size of a brick.''

If that sounds prehistoric, so too was the phone's power efficiency.

"The battery lasted somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes. But that didn't matter very much because you could only hold it up to your ear for 10 minutes before your arm got tired,'' he says. Cooper knew the first call he ever made on that state-of-the-art phone would be a moment of history. So who did he call on that April day from a Manhattan street corner? He rang the communications Joel Engel, the head of research at Bell Labs, an arms of the telecommunications giant AT&T - Motorola's direct competitor - to let them know he had beaten them in the race to make the first mobile phone. "It was one of the more chilling conversations that I've ever held. These people at AT&T could not understand how a little upstart, a tiny company like Motorola, would dare to tell them, the largest company in the world, how to run their business. "I thought I heard some gnashing of teeth in the background,'' jokes Cooper. At the time, the thought millions of people around the world owning their own mobile seemed like a pipe dream to Cooper. "Keep in mind that the first [mobile] telephone cost millions of dollars to make. Ten years later we produced the first commercial phones and those phones sold for US$4000 [$A5180], which would be closer to US$10,000 or US$15,000 today. "So the idea of having a billion and a half people having cell phones - some of which are literally given to them for nothing - was a really long reach.'' And is there ever a time when the man who made the mobile wants to tell mobile phone users to shut up? "It depends whether they are being rude or not. If they're talking quietly and they are benefiting from that phone call, I feel very proud because I think people's lives have been improved.''
awadhesh thakkar

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7y ago

Dr. Martin Cooper of motorola invented the mobile phone and made the world's first mobile phone call on April 3rd, 1973.

The mobie phone was made by the Motorola company. it was invented by Dr Martin Cooper. the first moble phone weighed around 2kgs and its battery lasted only for ten minutes.
The cell phone started as police radios in the 1920's and was developed by Bell Labs in 1947. Martin Cooper in 1973 made the first cell phone as we know it, but it wasn't used by the public until 1983.
Martin Cooper working at Motorola in 1970 invented the handheld portable cellphone.

The cellphone was first invented at Bell Labs in 1947 by Douglas H. Ring, et. al. who spelled out in an internal memo the complete requirements for a cellphone system. However the technology of that time was obviously inadequate to meet these requirements, so neither Bell Labs nor the parent company AT&T made any attempt then to build hardware or license radio bandwidth.

By the late 1960s though AT&T decided the technology was nearly ready and in 1969 began negotiation with the FCC for radio bandwidth for their cellphone system. However neither Bell Labs nor AT&T seriously considered that it might be possible to build a working cellphone smaller than a box that would fill most of the trunk of a car (like the then available AT&T car radio phone did).

These 1969 AT&T/FCC negotiations prompted Cooper to think of a better way to make a cellphone as a possible way to break some of AT&T's total monopoly over telecommunications at the time, resulting in his 1970 invention. However Cooper's handheld portable cellphones could not work without the cell towers and call management techniques of Ring's original cellphone system.
Dr. Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone.

Dr. Cooper may have invented the idea for the first commercial mobile phone, but the first actual working handheld cell phone was built by Oren Verble, a Kennedy Space Center rocket tech. I saw it work.

What Oren did was install a high powered walkie talkie on top of a water tank tower and he wired it to a land phone line. He took the matching walkie talkie and attached a touch-tone keypad to the front of it. I saw this actual device and I saw him place one of the first cell phone calls ever made in history - it was the 1970's

I know this for a fact, I was there.

Updated by Al Schrader April 6, 2014
Bell Labs in 1948 made the first prototype of the cell phone. The Cooper phone (invented by Martin Cooper) is most like the one we have today so is considered the first. The idea of a cell phone started as early as the 1920's when radios were used by the police. It wasn't until 1984 that the first cell phones were sold to the public. Until that time they were only in use by government agencies.

Although phones were used in cars, almost as soon as radio was invented, they were not cell phones in the true sense. Early car phones communicated to a single base station and most needed an operator to connect the calls. Cell phones were only possible when computers could be incorporated into the handset. Cell phones communicate via many small land based transmitters, or cells.

The phone has to automatically log onto a cell, check validation, change channel, change output power, all without intervention or knowledge of the user. Motorola did a lot of the research in the 1980's. Some of the innovation and technology was developed by radio amateurs developing packet radio.
Doctor Martin Cooper
Martin Cooper (and team) made the first cell phone while working for Motorola in 1973.
The mobie phone was made by the Motorola company. it was invented by Dr Martin Cooper. the first moble phone weighed around 2kgs and its battery lasted only for ten minutes.


The first hand-held mobile (or cell phone) was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell and Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, using a handset weighing around 2.2 pounds (1 kg). In 1983, the DynaTAC 8000x was the first to be commercially available.
Dr. Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone.

Dr. Cooper may have invented the idea for the first commercial mobile phone, but the first actual working handheld cell phone was built by Oren Verble, a Kennedy Space Center rocket tech. I saw it work.

What Oren did was install a high powered walkie talkie on top of a water tank tower and he wired it to a land phone line. He took the matching walkie talkie and attached a touch-tone keypad to the front of it. I saw this actual device and I saw him place one of the first cell phone calls ever made in history - it was the 1970's

I know this for a fact, I was there.

Updated by Al Schrader April 6, 2014
Bell Labs in 1948 made the first prototype of the cell phone. The Cooper phone (invented by Martin Cooper) is most like the one we have today so is considered the first. The idea of a cell phone started as early as the 1920's when radios were used by the police. It wasn't until 1984 that the first cell phones were sold to the public. Until that time they were only in use by government agencies.

Although phones were used in cars, almost as soon as radio was invented, they were not cell phones in the true sense. Early car phones communicated to a single base station and most needed an operator to connect the calls. Cell phones were only possible when computers could be incorporated into the handset. Cell phones communicate via many small land based transmitters, or cells.

The phone has to automatically log onto a cell, check validation, change channel, change output power, all without intervention or knowledge of the user. Motorola did a lot of the research in the 1980's. Some of the innovation and technology was developed by radio amateurs developing packet radio.
Dr. Martin Cooper
Any history of cell phones starts with Samuel Morse. He conceived of an electromagnetic telegraph in 1832 and constructed an experimental version in 1835. Then, on October 18, 1842, Morse laid wires between Governor's Island and Castle Garden, New York, with the distance of a mile. Part of that circuit was under water because Morse wanted to show that an underwater cable could transmit signals as well as a copper wire suspended on poles. But before he could complete this demonstration a passing ship pulled up his cable, ending, it seemed, his experiment. However, undaunted, Morse proceeded without the cable, passing his telegraph signals through the water itself. This introduced the concept of wireless by conduction. Quite simply, Samuel Morse's telegraph was the first device to send messages by electricity. So now there was the know-how to send messages. And the possibilities of exactly how to do this were abounding. Now it was known that water could conduct electricity and carry messages, other conductors were sought out.

In 1843, a skilled analytical chemist by the name of Michael Faraday began exhaustive research into whether space could indeed conduct electricity, using the principles already established by telegraphy. In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell released his paper "Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field" which concluded that light, electricity, and magnetism, were all related. All of these worked hand in hand, and all electromagnetic phenomena traveled in waves. Then, in 1865, Dr. Mahlon Loomis of Virginia, a dentist, may have been the first person to communicate through wireless via the atmosphere. Between 1866 and 1873 he transmitted telegraphic messages at a distance of 18 miles between the tops of Cohocton and Beorse Deer Mountains in Virginia. He developed a method of transmitting and receiving messages by using the Earth's atmosphere as a conductor and launching kites enclosed with copper screens that were linked to the ground with copper wires.

Over the next thirty years, most inventors and developers concentrated on wire line telegraphy, suspending wires between poles, which eventually became what we know as telephone poles. Few tinkered exclusively with wireless since a basic radio theory had not yet been worked out. Several experiments conducted on a trial and error basis produced no results. Telegraphy, however, did produce a good understanding of wireless by induction since wires ran parallel to each other and often induced rogue currents into other lines. So now they knew that electromagnetic messages could travel through the air. Then along came another man with a vision - Martin Cooper, known by many as the father of the cellular phone. Hired by Motorola in 1954, Mr. Cooper worked on developing portable products, including the first portable handheld police radios, made for the Chicago police department in 1967. He then led Motorola's cellular research. In the meantime, AT&T's research arm, Bell Laboratories, introduced the idea of cellular communications in 1947. But Motorola and Bell Labs in the sixties and early seventies were in a race to incorporate the technology into portable devices.

Martin Cooper won that race! Cooper set up a base station in New York with the first working prototype of a cellular telephone, the Motorola Dyna-Tac (see picture below). After some initial testing in Washington for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Mr. Cooper and Motorola took the phone technology to New York to show the public. On April 3, 1973, at a public demonstration and using a heavy 30-ounce phone, Martin Cooper placed the first cell phone call to his rival at AT&T Bell Labs from the streets of New York City. Mr. Cooper commented, "As I walked down the street while talking on the phone, sophisticated New Yorkers gaped at the sight of someone actually moving around while making a phone call. Remember that in 1973, there weren't cordless telephones or cellular phones. I made numerous calls, including one where I crossed the street while talking to a New York radio reporter - probably one of the more dangerous things I have ever done in my life."


First Cell Phone (1973): Motorola Dyna-Tac

The size of the phone was 9 x 5 x 1.75 inches , the weight of the very first phone weight at 2.5 pounds ,the phone of 1973 had no kinds of display because in their time they did not have the advanced type of technology that we have , the amount of Talk time the phone had was a total of 35 minutes also it took a total of 10 hours for the phone to fully recharge. The features of the phone were only talk, listen, and dial. This first cell phone call caused a fundamental technology and communications

by:jada ruth
It was April 3, 1973. Richard Nixon was in power, Elton John was top of the pop charts and a bloke by the name of Martin Cooper was about to make a phone call that would change the world. Cooper worked for what was then a little-known company called Motorola and he had just developed the world's first "hand-held cellular telephone''. "It was huge,'' recalls Cooper, who was in Sydney this week to address a communications conference. "The phone weighed almost two kilos - it was about the size of a brick.''

If that sounds prehistoric, so too was the phone's power efficiency.

"The battery lasted somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes. But that didn't matter very much because you could only hold it up to your ear for 10 minutes before your arm got tired,'' he says. Cooper knew the first call he ever made on that state-of-the-art phone would be a moment of history. So who did he call on that April day from a Manhattan street corner? He rang the communications Joel Engel, the head of research at Bell Labs, an arms of the telecommunications giant AT&T - Motorola's direct competitor - to let them know he had beaten them in the race to make the first mobile phone. "It was one of the more chilling conversations that I've ever held. These people at AT&T could not understand how a little upstart, a tiny company like Motorola, would dare to tell them, the largest company in the world, how to run their business. "I thought I heard some gnashing of teeth in the background,'' jokes Cooper. At the time, the thought millions of people around the world owning their own mobile seemed like a pipe dream to Cooper. "Keep in mind that the first [mobile] telephone cost millions of dollars to make. Ten years later we produced the first commercial phones and those phones sold for US$4000 [$A5180], which would be closer to US$10,000 or US$15,000 today. "So the idea of having a billion and a half people having cell phones - some of which are literally given to them for nothing - was a really long reach.'' And is there ever a time when the man who made the mobile wants to tell mobile phone users to shut up? "It depends whether they are being rude or not. If they're talking quietly and they are benefiting from that phone call, I feel very proud because I think people's lives have been improved.''
awadhesh thakkar

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Someone! But If you want a proper answer then Please Ask someone else!

But someone must have invented mobile phones!

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