

Best Answer is the most widely used website in the United States. This month, Google has had 203 million unique visitors, whereas bing has had 51 million unique visitors.

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Q: Who has more users Google or bing?
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Do people prefer Bing over Google?

Bing certainly has some good design elements and returns relevant results, Google is still the most used search engine in the world by far. There does seem to be some growing concern over privacy and what you type in to Google, but it hasn't translated into a giant rush of Bing users. Bing offers rewards for using it also.

What does bing bing mean?

bing means because its not Google

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Bing Google bing Google wiki dnt help bing mi Google

How fast is bing search?

Answer: Yes it is because bing doesn't have as many links!Answer: Yes because:- Bing gives me more options to choose from when I search for a product, Google doesn't even bother.- Bing's Related Search gives you more insight about your original search, its very friendly.- Bing has a cool advanced search menu, don't even think of using the Google Advanced search- Many a times, Bing is more intelligent than Google if not powerful.- Bing saves me a lot of time and energy. Google is sluggish.

Who would win Google or bing?


What is best web Google or bing?

google because bing has not got alot ANSWER GOOGLE

Why does Google have Google moon?

So that they have more users, so that they can advertise more.

Is Google or bing better?

Google is better because it has more search and relevant results that will appear to the keywords that you quire. Furthermore, Google Search has been created long time ago while Bing is only in 2009 by Microsoft. And Bing is kinda on Beta now.

Was bing or Google out longer?


Can you bing Google?

Yes, you can bing google and about 1 million answers come up.

What is another term for services like Google or Bing?

i think the other term for google is bing

Is Bing Way Better Than Google?

Yes Bing Way Better Than Google.