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You do not ask to be a supervisor. You are usually asked to be one. When people sign up and start answering questions, there are people watching to see how good people are at answering. If they see someone who answers a lot of questions very well or who seems to have a good knowledge in particular areas, they may ask the person if they would like to be a supervisor. It is not something that people look to become. It is an honour and privilege to be asked. So if you can show that you can make a positive contribution to the site, you might be lucky enough to be asked to become a supervisor. In the meantime, keep answering questions as best you can. Whether people are supervisors or not, that is what is most needed on this site.

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Q: Who do you ask if you wish to become a supervisor?
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To become a supervisor you have to be nominated by someone that is already a supervisor. Then other supervisors will evaluate your questions, answers, and other actions. You can ask a supervisor to look over your activity and nominate you.

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Your secuirty/OPSEC manager or your supervisor (c) All of the above

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No, you have to be a Category Supervisor in order to become a Senior Supervisor. (See the Related question.)

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There is a link on most pages 'Become a Supervisor' - simply click the link, and it will take you to a page that tells you what the criteria is fro being a supervisor. Your past contributions will be checked to see how you have behaved so far (for example if you've violated the Terms of Service). Assuming you're 'clean' - an existing supervisor will respond to you. I, personally didn't need to ask to be a supervisor - I was invited to apply.

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I wish I could say yes, there is a 100% guarantee". But that would be lying. There is a 98% chance of a TIP graduate becoming a supervisor. Those 2% who do not become a supervisor after graduating were found to be dishonest or broke the ToU/guidelines.

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If a floating supervisor wishes to become a category supervisor, they can apply in the same way that a non-supervisor would, by sending an email to the appropriate email address.

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If you wish an answer removed, simply improve the answer, provided you have made an improvement, or contact a supervisor who will remove the answer for you. If you remove it yourself it may look as if you are blanking an answer, so to be on the safe side ask a supervisor or flag the answer and ask for it to be deleted in the flag system. You can also write to support @ if the issue is urgent.

How many contributions do you need to make to become a supervisor?

You need to ask at least 3 questions, contribute at least 10 answers or improvements to answers and make 15 assorted edits. See the related links for the help centre on how to become a supervisor.

Can a Supervisor be promoted to an even higher level?

A Supervisor can become an Advanced Supervisor and get more tools, but they are not "higher" than regular Supervisors. They can also become a Senior Supervisor, but they don't get additional powers.