The domain name system was created in 1983. The staff at the Stanford Research Institute is responsible for its creation.
DNS Advantage was created in 2007-12.
Unbound - DNS Server - was created in 2007.
Google Public DNS was created in 2009.
DNS protocol was created to convert human domain names into IP address (intenet operates on IP addreses).
The prefered DNS server for the site is the server which sends the dns zone updates to all the other servers in the site. The primary DNS zone is created on the server and it has the authority to send changes in zone to other servers
1. A new DNS was created to allow a domain name to be associated with a 128-bit IPv6 address.
DNS lookup failed.This message was created by WinRoute Proxy
Ultra DNS provides managed portal services and their website is currently in the process of being built and created. Later on during 2013 the Ultra DNS website will be updated and back up and running again.
The dynamic DNS integrated DNS refers to the method of automatically updating a name server in the DNS in real time.
Secondary DNS gets its records from the Primary DNS Server. The secondary DNS is essentially there in case the primary DNS doesn't respond.
A DNS root zone is the top-level DNS zone in a Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy