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The first cell phone was built by Motorola in 1973. It was a bulky device that resembled a military walkie-talkie. The first cellular call was placed on April 3, 1973 by Motorola engineer Martin Cooper.

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Q: Who built the first cell phone?
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When was the first cell phone tower built?

On April 3rd , 1973

What year did the Lexus ls400 came with built in cell phone?

In 1990 (first generation) -I still have it :)

What was the first cell phone with blue tooth?

In 2000 first mobile phone with Bluetooth technology comes to market. The T36 is the first mobile phone to have built-in Bluetooth wireless technology, according to Ericsson

is the cell phone antenna built in to the phone?

Yes. Unless you see the external antenna then it would be built into the phone. Cell phone companies began putting them inside the phone because they were always getting broken on the outside of the phone.

What was the first Bell cell phone build?

The first Bell Cell phone that was built was the DynaTAC. It was available through the efforts of Bell Lab. On October 13, 1983 the first wireless commercial phone call was made on a DynaTAC. David Meilahn made that call from his 1983 Mercedes.

How do you get text read out from cell phone?

It usually comes built into a phone. If you don have it, you ant get it.

When was the first cell phone built?

Depends on what you consider to be a cell phone. But Wikipedia credits a Motorola researcher to be the inventor of the "first practical mobile phone for hand-held use in a non-vehicle setting", and it was demonstrated in 1973.In 1979, Japan launched a citywide commercial cell phone network, so it's a good bet that the first commercial cell phone sales would be in 1973 or 1974.

Where did they invention the first cell phone?

Darrel Wolfenschiser created the first cell phone in 1946

What is a built-in cellular modem?

A built in cellular modem is the mobile hot spot that is on a cell phone. If it is turned on, the cell phone will be able to act as a modem to allow other devices to receive the Internet signal through the phone.

What is the first cellphone?

The very first cell phone is called DynaTAC 8000X. This was commercially available on March 6, 1983 and was built by Martin Cooper of Motorola.

Who was the first person to create the cell phone?

Alexander Grambell DID create the first cell phone, he was the inventor of the telephone. aMrtin Cooper invented the cell phone.

When was the first cell phone with a keyboard?

The first cell phone with a keyboard was Treo 180. It was released in 2001.