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Q: Which type of network security model would you deploy that makes use of both smart cards and passwords to provide multi-factor authentication?
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What are the 3 A's of network security?

authentication authorization & accounting

What is the purpose of the network security authentication function?

To require users to prove who they are

Why is two factor authentication used?

Two factor authentication is used so that users on a network or even private users don't have their accounts hacked or broken into as easily with just a single passwords based system.

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Which should you implement to increase the dial-in security?

CallbackAuthenticationAnswer Explanation: To increase dial-in security, you should implement callback and authentication. Network hosts that allow modem dial-in can present a security risk since they provide a way into the network that bypasses firewalls. To increase dial-in security, you should use a secure authentication protocol that requires a username and password.

AH and ESP protocol works on security in network layer?

The AH (Authentication Header) protocol and the ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) protocol both function within the network layer. They are part of the IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) standard.

What is the function and purpose of authentication services?

Authentication services are used to determine infusers are who they claim to be and are allowed to access what they are trying to access. The purpose of authentication is to protect devices, hosts, and services of a network. Authentication ensures the identity of the entity wanting access. Authentication is the process of determining if a user or identity is who they claim to be. The main goal of authentication is security, authentication is one of the first lines of defense in networking.

A technician wishes to secure the network authentication for all remote users Which security technology uses radio communication with a computer before accepting a username and password?

A technician wishes to secure the network authentication for all remote users. Key fobs is a security technology that uses radio communication with a computer before accepting a username and password.

Types of authentication?

PasswordsPasswords are the easiest and most common authentication process that are used, not only on desktop computers but also at the network level. However certain rules should be followed when setting a password for your computer or Network. Do not use easily predictable words for your passwords; they don't even require a hacker to access the system through your account. Use passwords that are unpredictable. Set long passwords and use numbers and special characters when setting your password. Remember your passwords; don't write it down anywhere. Hackers use various tools to know your passwords, but a long password with a number of special characters, indeed gives them a lot of trouble.Digital CertificatesUsing a certain algorithm, computer administrator combine your personal details with other user credentials to generate a public key. This public key or digital certificate is used for the authentication purpose in the network.Smart CardsSmart Cards are among the very few hardware authentication processes in which a simple card with an embedded circuitry is used for accessing the network. Each valid card for a particular network, when inserted into the circuitry it has been made for, gives an output which decides whether you will be allowed to enter into the network or not. The programming logic inserted into each card is different and it is one of the safest methods of authentication.Fingerprint detectionAlmost available in all laptops that are manufactured today; fingerprint detection is another safe method of computer security authentication. Everyone knows that even the iris pattern of two people may even match, but fingerprints can never match.Face recognition systemsFace recognition system, may amuse you, but of late many people working in the field of security have questioned its user friendly nature and the security it can provide. A simple dimension calculation of the face is done by the computer and the logic used in doing so, has been often found to be prone to errors.BiometricsBiometrics is often considered as a far more secure way of authentication than passwords or digital certificates. It is even safer than smart cards, which may be misplaced. The physical and behavioral traits of a person are taken into consideration in this type of authentication.Captcha KeysThis is the process of authentication that is used to verify whether a human or a computer bot has logged into the system. Captcha keys are randomly generated alphabets and numericals presented in such a form, that only a human can recognize.Now, let's come down to the normal computer security authentical processes that we can do at the local level. Setting up a BIOS password for your computer may not be the ultimate security authentication. Removing the BIOS battery from the computer system for 30 seconds, deactivates this security feature. Setting up the administrator password is of utmost necessity. If the administrator password is not set, then any user can log into the computer irrespective of the fact whether he has an account in that computer or not.The above listed methods are just a few of the widely used authentication methods. In fact, the measures that we take for safeguarding our computer or network are more important than the method itself. Many of us have a habit of naming our networks after the protagonist from our favorite movie. This should be avoided and networks should have sensible names that cannot be easily determined. If you are a network administrator in charge of a closed secure network, then it is always desirable to set your network visibility status to the invisible mode.

What is a new security feature in windows server 2008 that confirms a users identity with the credential security service provider protocol before establishing a remote desktop connection?

Network Level Authentication (NLA)

Open or shared network authentication?


Conclusion about network security?

I conclude my seminar saying that as hackers and many algorithms are there to break passwords and much valuable information, which leads to a great loss. Hence network security provides the remedy by many ways. Hence much more advanced security measures would be more helpful. So always that should be an eye on network security as it is much and more important.