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Q: Which term means to be curious and ask a lot of questions?
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Related questions

What term means to be curious and ask a lot of questions?

Inquisitive is one.

What means to be curious and ask a lot of questions?

Inquisitive is one.

Is it normal to ask so many questions?

Yes, it just means that you are curious. And that's exactly what WikiAnswers is for: asking and answering questions.

Does Scout ask a lot of questions?

yes...she is a curious girl

Whats a name for a person who ask a lot of questions?

a curious person

What is the word for one who asks too many questions?

The words curious and inquisitive are used for people who ask questions. Someone who asks too many could be described as overcurious. There is also an informal term over-inquisitive.

Why do natachalie ask so many questions?

Natachalie probably asks so many questions because she is curious and wants to know stuff.

What does inquiring minds mean?

To inquire is to ask questions. An inquiring mind wonders about things and asks questions. An inquiring mind is a curious mind.

Why was the series of unfortunate events written?

To make you ask mystified and curious questions just like this one.

How many questions does a average child asks a day?

i think an average child asks about 200 to 300 questions. I think they ask this many questions because they get curious.

What does curious mean?

Curious mean nosy or someone who always wants to know people's business.Curious means interested or intrigued by something's puzzling or unexpected behavior.curious mean's : you wanna know somethingeager to learn or to know or wanting to know about somthingfor example ask a lot of questions

Is the student that asks many questions a smart student?

Maybe. Sometimes people who just don't understand the material can ask lots of questions, too. But in general, students who are paying attention and asking questions based on what they are learning are more curious - and curious people make better students.