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Q: Which is a biggest and brightest star in the universe name the galaxy where they situated?
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What is the biggest structure in the universe?

the biggest thing in the universe that isn’t A galaxy is a black hole

What is the biggest the galaxy or the universe or the solar systemm?

the universe, which is everything we know of.

Which is the biggest galaxy universe planet or solarsystem?

Universe: It contains everything.

What is the brightest star in the galaxy?

sun is the brightest star in the galaxy

How can scientists tell that the sun moves?

The sun is moving at an amazing speed. It is the biggest brightest star in the galaxy.

What is the biggest mass?

The biggest mass in the universe is the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy M87, which is estimated to be about 6.5 billion times the mass of the sun.

Is the Milky Way the universe's biggest galaxy?

No. It isn't the smallest one, either.

What is the Scale for universe molecular cloud galaxy star planet asteroid and atom biggest to smallest?

universe, molecular cloud, galaxy, star, planet, asteroid,atom

What is the brightest star in the universe?

As the question specifies brightness, the brightest star in the Universe is our Sun - because it is the closest star to us. The most luminous star is another question: See related question.

What is bigger moon solar system meteorite comet star galaxy universe?

Obviously, the Universe is the biggest of that lot. Next biggest is "galaxy", then solar system, then star, then moon. A comet is usually bigger than a meteorite, but not always.

Which star is the biggest in the Univese?

We will never know the largest star in the Universe. The biggest star in our Galaxy is VY Canis Majoris.

Where would you find the brightest part of a galaxy?

Most of the times, the brightest part of the galaxy is at the ceentre due the higher density of stars .Also if the galaxy is a spiral then the brightest part of the galaxy are the spiral arms because they are the star formation areas in the galaxy