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The Droid R2D2 and the Droid 2 are almost exactly the same except for the looks. The Droid 2 global has global features which gives you coverage if you travel a lot.

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Q: Which droid is better droid R2D2 or droid 2 global?
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Is the Droid 2 A955 the same as the Droid 2 Global?

Yes, Although i don't know if the Special Edition R2D2 Model can support sim cards

Is the Droid R2D2 the same thing as the Droid 2?

No, the two are quite different. The droid R2D2, is a fictional astromech droid used in the Starwars series. The Droid 2 on the other hand is a smart phone developed by Motorola.

What phone should you get iPhone 4 or droid 2 global?

droid 2 global definantly faster network and better design

What does R2D2 mean besides reel 2 dialouge 2?

It's the name of the small droid in Star Wars.

What is better the Verizon droid x or the droid 2?

It depends on what you want to do. The Droid X is slightly faster and has a better camera while the Droid 2 has the physical keyboard. In my opinion the Droid X is better.

Which is better the droid x or the droid 2?

droid x, no its awful

What phone should you get the Droid 2 Global the Droid Increadible the HTC thunderbolt or what?

I would get a Motorola GSM 3200

What are the features on a Motorola 2 Global?

The Motorola Droid 2 Global is a smartphone which operates on the Android operating system. It has great roaming options and a better processor than the Droid 2. It offers dual mode which is beneficial if you are going to different parts of the world. It is not as safe as a blackberry but it is a better alternative to some out there. However, the battery life is not great and would recommend carrying around a charger if you are going to be gone for a significant time.

Is the droid 2 as good as the site says?

The droid 2 is a great phone. There are others out there, such as the droid X, that are a bit better but you will have to make that decision based on personal preference. The Droid X is rather large, and the droid 2 is smaller and lighter.

Where can you buy the droid 2 global?

At the Verizon Wireless, either online or at the store itself.

Should you get the Droid X2 or the Droid Incredible 2?

Both phones are really nice 3G Verizon Droid phones. The Droid X2 is newer than the Droid Incredible 2, and in my opinion a little nicer. However, it might depend on if you like Motorola or HTC better. HTC makes the Incredible 2 and Motorola the Droid X2.

How do you change the notification bar color on droid 2 global?

you need a rooted phone and a custom rom