There is no area code +1 755 in North America (USA, Canada, etc.).
A UK number beginning +44 755 (or 0755 in domestic format) is a mobile.
Mexican area code 755 is in the western part of the state of Guerrero, including Ixtapa Zihuatanejo. Landlines are +52 755; mobiles are +52 1 755.
Other countries may have area codes like 755.
Country code +7 is Russia and Kazakhstan, but there are no valid numbers beginning with +7 55.
(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
There is no city in the UK starting with area code 791. All 'area' codes starting with 7 are mobile (cell) phone numbers.
No, 756 is not an area code in London, England. London area codes typically start with 20 or 7, such as 020 for central London and 077 for mobile phones. The correct area code for London can vary depending on the specific location within the city. It is important to verify the correct area code when making calls within London.
This isn't a London code. It is the area code for Brentwood in Essex which is about 30 miles northeast of London.
01883 is Caterham which is just south of London in the county of Surrey.
No - all UK mobile numbers begin with 07 (or just 7 if you're calling it from overseas). According to the BT web-site, there is no area code in the London region starting 260. London numbers have the number format 020 xxxx xxxx. That is an area code of 020 followed by an eight digit number.
The country code and area code of East London, South Africa is 27, (0)43.
London is area code 020.
According to the BT website - the code 0208 or 02089 doesn't exist. Numbers starting 020 usually apply to somewhere in London - however, there are no numbers starting 0208 or 02089 !
In the UK, area code 020 is London. There is no area code 0208.
020 is the area code for London. You cannot determine the location any more specifically than that. Originally, the old outer London numbers (0181) were transferred to numbers starting 020 8xxx, which explains the mistaken belief that numbers in that range must be located in outer London. New numbers are being issued to central London starting with 020 8xxx. Also, with number portability, any specific 020 number could be located anywhere in the greater London 020 area.
Bromley is covered by the area code for London, which is 020.
UK area code 020 is London.