KnoxNews is a news website covering the local Knoxville, Tennesee area. The only geographic areas that KnoxNews covers is that in Knoxville, Tennesee.
The area of Old City - Knoxville - is 133,546.2619392 square meters.
Monmouth County, NJ has 5 area codes that cover its population. These area codes are: 609, 732, 848, 908, and 973.
Beverly Hills, California, is divided between area code 323 in the northeast and area codes 310 and 424 (overlay) in the southwest.
Area codes are for states and the cities within them. The area code (865) is for part of the state of Tennessee and covers 62 cities. That is at least 62 zip codes if not more.
There are several area codes which cover the state of California, such as 213 for downtown Los Angeles. Similarly, much of San Francisco is covered by the area code 415.
The area of Northeast Hermosillo is 9,661.62 square kilometers.
Northeast Area Fleet ended in 1944.
Northeast Area Fleet was created in 1943.
The area of Brandenburg-Northeast is 15,498 square kilometers.
Knox County which has Knoxville as its county seat has an area of about 526 square miles.
The 847 area code belongs to the state of Illinois. Some of the areas that are covered by the 847 area code also overlap with the 224 area code. This area code is in the upper northeast part of the state.