well i dont know where cuz there is a lot of chep phone i have a Verizon phone and it was pertty chep i got it for my 10 birthday june11 2002
i love my phone but it is not touch screen it just has a kebord ethire try verizon criket t-mobile thats the best phone places and it depense what kind of phone it really is if its a chep phone or a phone that cost a lot of money sooo yeah there is your answer good luck
Touch screen phones, from being a craze have started to become a necessity in a layman's life. Besides, it's always fun to see your mobile respond back either in the form of some pleasing-to-hear sound or a soft vibration. Touch screen phones have brought about a revolution which is surely here to stay.
Now, you can avail best touch screen mobile deals on Mobile Comparison Shop and choose the best touch screen mobile phone which can exactly make you match your fantasies with the reality.
we purchase the mobile phones from various website i.e filipcart.co., or green dust .com
Boost mobile offers a very good service of prepaid unlimited phones.
The cheapest Toshiba mobile phone or any mobile phone's would be second hand mobile phones. To purchase a cheap mobile phone try browsing in a local electronic store, that sell second handed goods. Or perhaps an auction website, which sells second hand items, such as eBay.
Nokia phones can be purchased within the stores of Verizon, AT & T, T-Mobile, and countless other stores selling phones. As far as where the Nokia phones are the cheapest, you can find them on sites like eBay and Amazon.
If you want to find out the cheapest phone for a LG T Mobile phone I would go to the website http://www.t-mobile.com/shop/Phones/cell-phone-detail.aspx?cell-phone=LG-Optimus-T-Black. They have alot of phones so you would have to look for yourself and find out what you can afford in your price range.
Mobile phones, mobiles, cellular phones, cellphones
There were no mobile phones in 1945.
You can find some good deals on purchase and use phones that are available at major retailers such as Target and Walmart. If you prefer a plan, you can also find great deals with Verizon and TMobile.
Simple Mobile has a variety of phones on their website that are compatible with their service. Phones that are compatible with T-Mobile can also be used with Simple Mobile.
The cheapest cell phones can be found on a variety of auction websites suck as eBay or quibids. They are also available for pretty cheap if you purchase them with a plan from the manufacturers.
Finger prints recognition's are carried out in mobile phones through embedded camera in mobile phones.