SkypeContacts is a big directory of Skype users who are online and who wish to find someone to chat/call. Enjoy it!
If they want to be on your contacts then they will tell you their skype username
Yes you need to be logged in to your Skype account so contacts can see you are available. If you're are logged out, you will not show up to your contacts as being online.
yes get skype and then get contacts with skype and press video call
link facebook and skype accounts in options
It was underneath the contact list on the older versions of Skype but not on later versions. That is why I will not download the newer version that Skype want me to download. I use the directory regularly on this laptop. Ben
can not remember user name or pass word
MSN messenger is no longer active. You are directed to Skype instead if you try to locate it through MSN directory. However, all contacts you may have had in MSN messenger is carried over into Skype for your convenience, all you have to do is sign in to Microsoft.
No you can't sorry. You have to know the persons skype name to look them up
Its done automatically when you sign up!
You add Contacts on Skype through the Software. Not their Website!
Jared Toyne
If peyton is a registered name on Skype you need to go to the Skype directory to add it as a contact.