The Demarcation point
The Demarcation point
demarcation point
demarcation point
there is none
Point of Demarcation or Demarc for shortPOP - point of
The segment between the demarcation point and the central office is known as the "last mile."
Line of demarcation is where the point where ownership of the communications equipment changes from the communications carrier to the user. POP is the point where the customer connects the network data traffic to the communications carrier.
The point where your ISP's network connects to your network
"bound", "boundary", "circumscribe", "confine", "define", "demarcation", "demarcation line", "determine", "fix", "limit point", "limitation", "point of accumulation", "restrain", "restrict", "set", "specify", "terminal point", "terminus ad quem", "throttle" and "trammel"
Smart Jack
Demarcation Point