Area code 989 is the area around Saginaw, Michigan, and area code 757 is Norfolk, Virginia. Halfway between them, by driving distance, would be somewhere around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Ask your cellular carrier.
Area code 989 for the area around Saginaw, Michigan, is the highest-numbered area code in the United States. Since area codes are not allowed to have '9' as the middle digit, 989 will remain the highest-numbered area code until we expand to 4-digit codes some time in the mid-21st century.
An area code map of the US is available from Navigate to Area Code Map and at the bottom of the page there are large, printable versions of both the US and Canada maps.
Yes, if the atlas has an area code map.
If an insurance code of 989 is shown on a police report car accident who does that person have car insurance with?
Area code 360 serves most of western Washington State, excluding the Seattle/Tacoma metropolitan area (area codes 206, 253, and 425). See the related link for a map.
Yes, there are resources available online that will give you this information. Check out as they have a maps section that will give you a map of just area codes.
A zip code map is a type of special purpose map. It displays a specific area, such as a city, according to zip codes. They are helpful in assisting people with locating services like medical professionals, schools, restaurants and more within their zip code area.