easy just dial the area code and have long distance
All phone providers use the 301 area code. 301 indicates the area code for the phone number. In the US, area code 301 is used in the western part of the state of Maryland, including Washington, DC.
Since 7310 is not a phone area code, one cannot find information about the 7310 phone area code since it does not exist at the moment. Thus, one cannot find information about the 7310 phone area code anywhere.
Some business phone numbers have a different area code but some use the same as their home phone area code. They also may use the area code of the place where the business will be most familiar.
Normally, you choose the area code that you live in, but you can choose a different area code if you want your phone number to be associated with a different specific city.
The area code of a pay-as-you-go phone is the first part of its phone number. * Added - The area code may also determine whether there are long distanec charges and the rate.
The telephone area code of your phone number.
Depending on what you mean by "the area code of a call," it's either the area code of the phone you're calling from or the area code of the phone you're ringing. The fact that the call is "collect" (reverse charges) is irrelevant.
You would need an area code to use reverse phone lookup as without an area code you would not know what State, Province or even country the phone number generated from.
The easiest way to search for a phone number are ode or a zip code for a phone number is to search the phone number area code on google for the zip code.
Area code 146 is not currently assigned to any geographic area in the United States. In the North American Numbering Plan, area codes are typically three digits long and are assigned to specific regions within the country. As of now, area code 146 does not exist as an active area code and is not in use for any particular location.
Area code 647 is the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in an overlay on area code 416.