The country code and area code of Haparanda, Sweden is 46, (0)922.
There is no area code 156 in North America (USA, Canada, etc.); North American area codes cannot begin with '1'. A telephone number beginning with 1-56x could be in one of the following area codes:561 = Palm Beach, Florida562 = Long Beach, California563 = Davenport/Dubuque, Iowa567 = Toledo, Ohio566 = "Personal Communication Services" (non-geographic code)
Assuming it is a rectangle, it is 156 feet2.
The area of Sandton is 156 square kilometers.
The area of Valsøyfjord is 156 square kilometers.
The area of Capannori is 156 square kilometers.
The area of Monopoli is 156 square kilometers.
The area of Rafaela is 156 square kilometers.
The answer depends on what 156 represents.
A circle with a diameter of 156 feet has an area of 19113 square feet (approx).