There is no such area code as 0146 in the UK.
If the number is written 0146 XXX XXXX or as +44 146 XXX XXXX then it has been misformatted.
The correct format is (0146X) XXXXXX or +44 146X XXXXXX and it will be one of the following area codes:
The above places have six digit local numbers.
01460, 01461 also have some five digit local numbers.
All UK area codes begin with a 0. There is no area code 6010 in the UK, and there is no 06010 code either.
UK area code 020 is London.
There is no area code 20 in the UK
There is no 01134 code in the UK.
The country code and area code of Aberdeen, United Kingdom is 44, (0)1224.
Cambridge is in area code 01223, or +44 1223 from outside the UK.
In the UK, 0121 is the area code for Birmingham.
Until the early 1990's, area code +44 21 (or 021 within the UK) was Birmingham, which is now area code +44 121 (or 0121 within the UK). There has never been an area code +44 217 (or 0217) in the UK.
The area code "029" is assigned to the city Cardiff in Wales, UK.
Slough. There is no 0753 code in the UK.
There is no UK area code like 0491. If the number is pre-1995 then this area code is now 01491 which covers Henley-on-Thames.
UK area code 0161 is Manchester. 0161 644 is an unused prefix.