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The spider collects it as it climbs up using its last two legs. It can either eat it later for the material that it consists of and make web material out of it later.

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Q: Where does a spiders web go when a spider climbs up it?
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Where can you fine pictures of spider web?

Go to and type is pictures of spiders webs or go under images and look there.

How do you make a spider web on alchemy classic?

To make spiders on alchemy classic combine arthropods and stone and, well, you get spiders. Now to make SPIDER WEBS you need to go press the button that says "i" then, you nedd to look for the animal section press on spiders then look on combining with and there will be your answer. Hope that helped:)

Do spiders adopt babies?

yes, they go to the spider hospital and talk to the spider docter who gives them there spider baby. the end.

Where do spiders go when their webs are broken?

Spiders will typically rebuild or repair their webs if they are broken. They will use their silk-spinning abilities to construct a new web in the same location or nearby. If the web is significantly damaged, they may abandon it and build a new one elsewhere.

Where do spiders go when their webs break?

go to a new web

How does a spider make a spiderweb?

First, the spider produces silk-like threads from its spinneret glands. The spider can make different types of silk, some of it is sticky to capture prey, some of it is non-sticky so the spider doesn't get stuck in its own web. Spiders rely on the breeze to help them build their webs. When the spider produces a thread of silk, it waits for the breeze to anchor the thread to where the spider wants it to go. Then the spider repeats the process until the outline of the web is made. From there, the spider weaves its web in its well-known spiral fashion.

What kind of spider is white and furry?

a tooth cave spider Considering that they are thousands of types of spiders. Where you live and a little more description would need to be given. Go to a web site on spiders or google images and see what you can find out... ----------------------------- True, we'd need a better description than that. However, it could be a Wolf Spider.

How can you tell a storm is approaching?

Spiders will tell you if a storm is coming. Spiders, like many other insects and animals can tell if there will be rain. When a spider senses a storm's coming they leave their web and go somewhere else. or... you could check the weather channel...

What does the golden web spider eats?

insects that would go into their web.

Is lice an arthropod?

It depends if it is a spider if it has a abdomen eight legs it will be a spider but be careful some Spiders can hurt you and have to go the hospital!!

On super secret how do you get pass the spider web?

You go to the marketplace and to the Fruit Palace. Then you go to drinks and buy the Aphid Honey. Then you go back to the spider web and click and it and viola!

What is harder metal of a spiders web?

I would go with metal.