You can find information on EU domain names online at the EurID website. Once on the page, you can find out if the domain name you want is available or not.
There are many places you can find information on available domain names. Many websites offer this service, including GoDaddy, Sedo, DomainsBot, and Bust A Name.
If one is just looking for general information regarding domain names there is a large amount of information that can be found on the Wikipedia website. If one wishes to search domain names to find availability for a domain name, this can be done on the Go Daddy website. is great for finding what domain names are available, so it definitely works. It is helpful to go to whois to find these domains.
There is no list that covers the entirety of domain names in the United Kingdom. There are however numerous domain registrars which can check those that are available or unavailable.
First, you have to check the availability of the domain name, some useful wesites may be instantdomainsearch or checkdomain. Once, you know your domain name is available there are several websites that offer the service of registering domain names, such as GoDaddy.
One may find information on how to reserve domain names at the website "Network Solutions". One may also use "The Site Wizard" for easy to follow instructions.
There are so many websites out there where you can buy domain names for your personal website. Examples: godaddy , sitewizard , my domain and register are good places to find a domain to buy.
There are many companies that sell domains. GoDaddy is a popular one, known for its television ads. If one is only looking for information about domain sales and not actually interested in buying a domain, online publications like 'DNJournal' have information about how much various domains have sold for.
There are a variety of domain names available to rent or buy, but in order to do this you must first find a domain name that is available. This is performed by going to a domain name search site tool and following the instructions with that application.
There are several online sites that offer to check whether a domain is available. Some of the sites provide an option to find the owners of a domain name if the wanted domain name is already registered. Another feature in some sites is an auto-suggestions section that searches for the availability of similar names.
You can find out this information easily at sites which offer this service by looking up the DNS records of a domain name. You can also find this service on the official home of domain names, Nominet.