The best place to find the manual for your cell phone is in the box it came from, or to go to the retailer where you bought it. You can also go to the Sprint website and find it there or at the manufacture's website.
Yes, Sprint offers a prepaid cell phone plan, it's called Boost Mobile. You can find out more on yes sprint offers prepaid phone.
One can find an individual unlocked Sprint cell phone in classified ads. There are kiosks and stores that specialize in unlocking products for a fee.
You can shop for and purchase Sprint cell phone and accessories directly from Sprint at Some other sites that offer Sprint cell phone and accessories include, and
Legitimate Sprint cell phone reviews can be found on websites like CNET, TechRadar, and consumer review sites like Consumer Reports. Additionally, Sprint's own website and customer feedback platforms can provide insights into the performance of their cell phones.
The method for sending pictures from a phone varies by phone, not by provider. To find out how to send pictures from your specific phone, you should look in the users manual, or find the manual on the Sprint website.
You can find cell phones, accessories and more from Sprint on its homepage. Sprint also sells phone plans on its site, which is located at
When you are in the market for a new cell phone, keep in mind that a new Sprint phone can be a great alternative to the two other giant cell phone companies. By using new Sprint phones, you will be able to get access to the same level of service you could find elsewhere, but for a fraction of the overall yearly cost. Not only can you get new Sprint phones directly from Sprint, but there are a lot of other "prepay" cell phone companies that operate on the nationwide Sprint network. However you look at it, you can save a lot of money by choosing new Sprint phones.
You can find them online at at&,, and You can also go to the AT&T store or the sprint store or Wal-Mart will have all of these there.
Your best bet is to find a local sprint store and speak to a representative about plans and options as well as current deals they may have. Other electronics stores such as Best Buy or Radio Shack can also set up sprint cell phone plans.
Yes you can. This phone type can be used by various cell phone providers. A few are At&t, verizon, and sprint. You may find them under any of the three cell phone website.
The top 4 carriers carry the Motorola Krazr cell phone. You can find them at AT&T, Sprint, Verizon and Tmobile. All carriers are offering them for free with a contract.
The locator tool is used if you lose your cell phone or it is stolen. Contact sprint and they will send out the signal to find your phone, you just need to give your number to them.