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no where u have 2 be as i remember 16 or older

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Q: Where can 10 year olds have a job for 1 month?
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What kind of real job can 10 year olds get besids neighborhood job.

Is there any jobs for 10 year olds?

Legally speaking, the only job for a 10 year old child would be working / helping out on a farm.

Do any shops hire 10 year olds?

No. The legal law is that you have to be 14 and 9 months to get a job.

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COD Is for 10 yrs olds.

Can 10 year olds get jobs in Calgary?

Yes you can as a carrier but my son is 11 and he has a job cleaning up a gas station

Can 10 year olds play with dolls?

yes ten year olds can play with dolls even 11 year olds can

Are there any auditions for 10-15 year olds in England?

yes there is audition for 10-15 year olds in England.

Do 9 year olds like 10 year olds?

yes a girl liked me she was a year younger then me.

Do he like 10 year olds?

10 year old???? um.... IDK but he is I don't think he likes 10 yeard olds

Why is Habbo for 16 year olds?

habbo is for 8 year olds and is about to be banned. HABBO IS NOT FOR 8 YEAR OLDS ITS FOR 13+ BUT THE MAYBE CHANGE FOR 10+.

Can 10 year olds get a perm?
