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Wikipedia was launched on January 15, 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger

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Q: When was the wikipedia online free online encyclopedia made?
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What is mid ocean ridge molten rocks made out of?

Basalt. Basalt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who made wikipeda?

Wikipedia was created by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger in 2001. It is a collaborative online encyclopedia where users can create, edit, and update articles on a wide range of topics.

Is Wikipedia belivibel?

Wikipedia is a free, collection of user-created definitions, and encyclopedia entries (If I'm wrong meh). Since its made by users, people can make random changes. Most teachers don't allow it as a valid source. So in some ways it isn't, "believable," but its your choice.

Where can one find information on products made in China?

You can find alot of information on the export of products made in China on the free encyclopedia website known as wikipedia under the article "made in China". This page gives you alot of information including information on major incidents involving the made in China label.

What was the first baseball glove made of?

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia states, "Many early baseball gloves were simple leather gloves with the fingertips cut off, supposedly to allow for the same control of a bare hand, but with extra padding."

Why is WikiAnswers rigged?

Because it is really bad for research so i would suggest wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, no offence wiki answers, but it doesn't always have the right answers, because like this question they could've just made it up.

How did Wikipedia come into existence?

Hello, Wkipedia was invented so that a person's questions can be answered by others in the world. Sometimes, we need the answers to questions which you cannot find in a book. Wikipedia is an online encyclopaedia, which can often be an easier way to answer your questions. I hope this helps you!

Where can someone compare accounting software online?

The website Wikipedia has a page titled "Comparison of Accounting Software" that is very good. Within that page, a comparison is made of free and paid software programs.

What words can be made from the word encyclopedia?

Some words that can be made from ENCYCLOPEDIA are:AaccedeaceacidacneadadoaidaideailalienalealoealoneANandanyapeapieceayecadcadencecalicocancancelcandlecandycanecanoecanopycapcapecaponcladclapclaycleanclipclodclonecloycoalcocainecodcodecodeinecoedcoilcoincoldcolicconconcealconcedeconeconicalcopcopaycopecopycoycyancyanidecyclecyclonecynicaldailydancedaydeacondealdeandecaldecaydecencydeclinedecoydeepdelaydelidelicacydendenialdenydeploydialdicedindinedipdodociledoedoledondonedopedopeyeelelandelopeencodeendeonepiceyeeyelidIiceicecapicyiconidideaidealidleidolINinlayionlacelaconicladenladylaidlainlancelandlanelaplayleadleanleapleeleilendlicelicencedlidlieliedlienlinelionliploadloanlodeloinloneloplopedlyenailnapnayneeneedneedyniceniecenilnipnonodnopeoceanodeoiloilyoldoldenononceoneonlyopalopenopinepacepadpaidpailpainpalpalepanpanepaneledpaypayeepeapeacepealpecanpedalpeepelicanpenpenalpencepencilpeonpeonypianopiepiercepilepinpineplaceplacidplaidplainplanplaneplaypleadpliedployplypoipolePOLICEpolicypondponyyelpyenyieldyodel

Where can you play Scribblenauts online for free?

You can't play it online for free but you can share home made worlds but you need wi-fi for it.

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Kailtin Dodridge

Is the sun made of chemical composition or material?

Our Sun is mainly Hydrogen, which it burns via Fusion into Helium.To consider further, have a crack at nucleosynthesis in an online encyclopedia.