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ARPANET stands for the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. It went live in the year 1969 and was superseded by NSFNET in 1990.

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For civilian use, the internet came on line in about 1991; when the cold war had long ceased.

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arpanet was established in 1962

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Arpanet started in 1969.

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11y ago

in the 1920a

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Q: When was the internet available after ARPAnet?
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What was the name of the network that resulted from the internet invention project?

The Internet started as Arpanet; today it is called the Internet.The Internet started as Arpanet; today it is called the Internet.The Internet started as Arpanet; today it is called the Internet.The Internet started as Arpanet; today it is called the Internet.

The arpanet 's development began in 1966 it was an experiment to connect universities to share information what do we call this today?

Today, the Arpanet is called "Internet".Today, the Arpanet is called "Internet".Today, the Arpanet is called "Internet".Today, the Arpanet is called "Internet".

Was the original name for the internet arpanet?

yea ARPAnet

What is ARPANET called today?

Which system of comunication developed from ARPANET?

The Internet is the system of communication that developed from ARPANET. The internet is its civilian counterpart.

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What has its origins in the US Defence Department's ARPANET?

The Internet as we know it today is based on Arpanet.

What do you call the ARPANET?

ARPANET was original name of the computer network that eventually morphed into the Internet.

What do we call arpanet?

The internet Early research on the internet was supported by the U.S. military. ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)

Is ARPAnet the precursor to today's Internet?

Yes ARPANET is the predecessor to our Internet today. What we all are able to use was first done as ARPANET. It was made by american defense and research team to transfer messages.

history of the internet?

First there was ARPAnet, then there was internet. Simple enough?

What do we call arpanet today?