

Best Answer

BlackBerry PlayBook was created on 2011-04-19.

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When can you get kk for blackberry playbook?

When. Can. We get. Kik on the blackberry PlayBook

How much does the blackberry playbook cost?

The starting cost for a Blackberry Playbook is 499 US dollars.

Is Blackberry Playbook Android or iOS?

It is neither. The Blackberry Playbook is running theBlackBerry Tablet OS.

Do all blackberry have blackberry messanger?

yes except for the blackberry playbook :-~)

Does the blackberry playbook have to be a contract?

No it does not

Can you get itunes on blackberry playbook?


What is the price of a blackberry?

the price of a blackberry playbook is 250 dollars

How much is the blackberry play book?

The BlackBerry Playbook is 200$

Does the blackberry playbook have a USB?

Unfortunately, no...

Does a Blackberry Playbook have BlackBerry Messenger?

You probably have to download it off of the official blackberry site.

Is SLX Mini Hemi Cable for blackberry playbook?

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Can you put kindle books on blackberry playbook?

Yes you can put you kindle books on your Blackberry playbook. As long as you have the OS 2.0 software and the Bar files for the Kindle app it will walk you through on how to load this and other android applications and your Blackberry Playbook.