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Possibly, but some movements are just involuntary reactions to stimulus

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Q: When patients move during coma is it a good sign that they are waking up?
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only about 15% of patients who remain in a coma for more than just a few hours make a good recovery. Those adult patients who remain in a coma for greater than four weeks have almost no chance

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be yourself

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Bed the nurses and your boss, but relationships with patients are strictly forbidden. It just wouldn't look good for the hospital.

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Cut the gordian knot: rewrite the sentence: The good doctor treats patients with compassion or treats patients compassionately.

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Yes. Only 1 or 2 dates per day is good for diabetic patients.

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there is know way of keeping from waking up in the middle of a good dream because if your body is used to waking up at a certin time your body will wake up around that time. some things you can do about that are block out all light and sound from you room so that you body cant wake up from that. and that's really all you can do

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If it's not waking them up I don't see why not.

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Patients should be in good general health and free of heart or lung disease. Patients with poor circulation or who have had recent surgery at the intended site of fat reduction are not good candidates.

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it is good for the patients because the patient might know the person and feel safe or cozy and maybe happy or cumfy

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Obese patients and patients that engage in high impact exercise regimens are not considered good candidates for retropubic suspension.