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Wireless adapters (USB or not) are good for connecting to wireless networks (aka WLAN or WiFi).

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A USB wireless adapter is used when a computer does not have WiFi built in. The adapter is plugged into the computer and allows a WiFi connection to be made.

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Does the computer hooked to the cable modem by usb need its own wireless adapter for a wireless network?

If you want to use wireless connection yes you need a wireless adapter.

Do you need a wireless adapter for a wireless mouse?

no, wireless mouses and keyboards come with usb plugins so that it is wireless, so therefore, you can have a wireless mouse without a wireless keyboard.

Can you plug up a wireless usb adapter into a playsation 3 and get internet?

The Playstsation 3 comes with built in WiFi so there is no need to have a usb wireless adapter in order to get online.

What do you need to purchase to make your laptop wireless?

A wireless networking card to install within your computer, or a USB wireless adapter.

Can you use a Wireless usb adapter in a laptop that has a wireless feature in it to get on to the internet or do you have to have a Wireless router with the wireless usb adapter Please Be Specific?

for any wireless network work you need the following two things working in conjunction with eachother:1: a wireless signal (from your own wireless router, or one you "steal" from a neighbor)2: a wireless receiver (built-in, usb adapter, etc)so yes you can use the usb to get on the net, but only with a signal, probably from your own wireless router.

I Have a HP G60 laptop with wireless g adapter and want to use wireless n usb adapter how.Do I need to disable the G adapter or physically unhook it .?

You can just disable device, there is no need in disconnecting the G adapter.

How do you get a laptop with a built in wireless connected to your wireless modem?

you will need to go buy a usb wireless adapter. this is what I have for my nonwireless computer.

Does the netgear WG111 USB 2.0 Adapter work for the playstation 3?

You need drivers for the adapter. PS3 does not have. The only way to have wireless in you PS3 is integrated wireless.

Do I need a router as well as a usb adapter?

If you are talking about building of wireless network. Then you need a wireless router and a wireless network adapter (if you have a laptop you might not need it). If you have a desktop you rather will have to purchase a wireless network adapter. Pay attention to what kind of wireless network you are going to build. It can be a, b, g, and n types.

What does a wireless adapter USB do?

A wireless USB adapter allows a computer or wireless device to connect to a wireless router. It is needed for any device which is not wired to an internet connection, to connect.

Where can I find reviews about a wireless USB network adapter?

There are many online shops that sell wireless USB network adapter. is one of online shop that sells wireless USB network adapter with any kind of models. You can visit

Can wireless USB adapter extend range of wireless signals?

yes it is