The env2 does have games but it doesnt come with the phone. YOu have to go to "GET IT NOW" then "GAMES" and you have to buy some
The EnV2 by Verizon Wireless comes in 2 basic colors. They are: - Black - Burgundy/red
NOOOOOOO! i have the env2 in maroon i love it. IMO ( in my opion) but that's just my opion tell me what you think! thanks, BreannaI am part of Verizon and I say that by the amount of people that buy the Env2 never come back with troubles and the people with voyager come back all the time.
Yes You Can Get The Env2 Pre Paid
NO! the enV2 runs only B.R.E.W. apps
The enV2 can display videos as long as they are in 3GPP format.
there is nothing wrong with the env2. It is a great phone and my friend even has one. I also asked people if they liked the env2 or voyager and everyone said env2. Get one!!!
Not 100% sure but i think you can buy Sonic the Hedgehog of your LG env2.
the env2 sucks my broke and i had to get a new one 8 times!! :/ i advise you don't get it!
yes it does
my enV2 freezes up ALOT! like sometimes it wont turn on....the okay thing does too.....
actually the env2 at about full price is 260 bucks