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on the visitor,s computer

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Q: When a cookie is created during a website visit it is stored in?
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When a cookie is created during a Website visit it is stored?

on the visitor,s computer

What does the word cookie mean in computer jargon?

Cookies store information such as login information and settings for a website,sometimes if you go on a Site and your username is filled in it's because of cookies. They also track you when you visit the website. They can be good and bad

What is a cookies?

In computer terminology, a cookie is a "small text file which contains a unique ID tag, placed on your computer by a website". Essentially, it enables a website that you have already visited to recognise you when you return. For a more detailed explanation, see the link below.

Where are websites stored?

one copy of a website is stored on each of the web servers that is the local (on which the website is being resistered) and the other on the global web server(in California, U.S.A.).

What is the small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser for maintaining the state?


Cookie used in sentence?

A persistent cookie is a small text file stored on your hard drive for an extended period of time. Give me a cookie, please.

What are http cookies?

An HTTP cookie is a piece of information that websites store on your computer. There is no restriction as to the type of content that can be stored in a cookie. It's most prominent use is to remember users when they choose to not login each time they access a website, even if they close their browser.

WHAT is the difference between session and cookie in php?

The session is stored on the web server. The cookies is stored in a little file on users machine. This means that the session is (relatively) secure, whereas the cookie can be edited by the end user.

How do you use the word cookie in a sentence?

A persistent cookie is a small text file stored on your hard drive for an extended period of time.Eating a cookie is not always the best way to satisfy your appetite.

What is a small text file stored on the hard drive that contains user names and passwords?

A small text file that a web server stores on a computer is called cookie . A cookie is like a cache like when you login to a site cookie is what stores your id password. A cookie is deleted automatically after a fixed duration.

What is a cookie in web design terms?

A cookie is a small piece of information sent by a website and stored in users web browser. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server to notify the user's previous activity. Cookies are used for tracking the users browsing activity.

Why shouldn't cookies of differing textures be stored together?

Cookies of different textures should not be stored together, because the different levels of moisture in each cookie will spoil the other. For example, a crisp crunchy cookie would get soggy if stored with a moist chewy brownie, and the moist brownie would dry out.