No dirt is normally mynewt, so it does not cause drag, but if there was a large clump stuck to it yes, it would cause drag
4500 cubic feet of dirt will come out.
can gasoline dirt cause problems
a strawberry plant! It grows in the dirt, flowers, then you pick the berries !?! Where else would they come from!?!
The dirt would grow the size of the river and the creatures will die because they have no water to breathe in
Chlamydia is caused by bacteria, not by dirt.
Yes. why would you do that anyway its preety stupid and dangerous anyway
Most common reason: rust and dirt.
Tomatoes are highly acidic, which after some time would break down the dirt and things that are on the penny. This would cause it to come out looking clean.
does a dirt bike come with keys
if you cover up your skin all the time , dirt would get trapped in between the clothes also , so would dead skin , this would cause infections and would breed dust mites , which would carry virus's, this dead skin and dirt would clog up your pours and would bury deep down and would cause skin cancer after a while.